If you're trying to lose weight:
- green tea
- black tea
- oolong tea
- pu-erh TeaIf you're stressed:
- peppermint tea
- chamomile tea
- lemon balm tea
- green teaIf you can't sleep:
- decaf green tea
- valerian tea
- chamomile tea
- passionflower teaIf you're sick:
- green tea
- hibiscus tea
- ginger tea
- rosehip TeaIf you're breaking out:
- dandelion tea
- red clover tea
- hibiscus tea
- nettle teaIf you're anxious:
- peppermint tea
- chamomile tea
- lemon balm tea
- passion flower tea
- rose tea

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RandomThis self care book contains masterposts, tips, advice and threads for yourself, health and lifestyle. From skin care, to dating, school and having fun, it's all here in this book. -eѕт ѕepтeмвer 2018 ーmarked completed october 2019