Nice Ways To Say No

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Ways to say no:
- no thank you
- i'd rather not, sorry but maybe next time if I have the chance
- actually, i already___but I would've love to do that if I could
- my mom would kill me if i...
- if my parents found out, id be...
- i already have plans sorry but maybe next time
- i'm alright, thanks
- i have to study tonight
- no I can't, sorry, but I would've appreciated it
- not for me but thanks
- i'm not really into___but thanks for asking!

General Excuses:
Getting Out Of A Conversation:
• Pretend to take a phone call
• Say you need to use the restroom
• Remember that you have homework

Getting Out Of The Date
• Family emergency
• Doctors appointment
• Babysitting
• No transportation
• Say you forget to do something and have to go back
• Bad headache

Family Event
• Studying For a Major Test/Exam
• Lots of Homework

Remember this:
- don't do something because everyone else is doing it
- keep it simple. don't go the long and complicated way as it can hurt them more
- do not involve any specific reasons to why you're denying their request. it makes the person feel personally attacked.
- it's ok to be assertive as long as they understand it and get the message across
- trust your gut
- smile + be friendly!
- A little psychology tip!: Make sure you always say the no part first and then after that, say I would've love to! or something along the lines of that. Because what you're doing is leaving them with a positive impression. They'll be most likely to focus on the last part of the sentence instead of the first part. For example if you say "I would love to, but I can't. Sorry," usually leaves people with the energy of bad news. Instead start of with "Sorry I can't go but I would've love to come if I could" would leave a better impression. Say the bad news first and the good news last. *credit to that one charisma on command video called 5 Pschological Tricks You're Not Taught In School. It's a really good video*

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