"Chat Noir!!"

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They were stuck in their classroom when an Akuma was loose, and there was a room full of people around them. Well, crap, they both thought.
Third Person's POV

Marinette and Adrien were secretly freaking out. How were they supposed to transform when they were surrounded by people? "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! This Akuma is going to be so annoying! It'll ruin my hair! Sabrina, fan me," Chloe whined.

Everyone groaned. Of course, Chloe would find a way to make everything worse. Sabrina ran to Chloe and fanned her with a folder. "There. That's better."

Shut up, Chloe, Alya, and Adrien thought. (A/N: did you think I was going to say, Mari and Adrien? Yes? Oh ok. Carry on)

"We have to find a way out of here," Marinette mumbled to herself. She started walking around the classroom, searching for a weakness in the metal. She saw cracks in one part of the metal wall. Hmm, that might work, Mari thought.

Everyone jumped when they heard a bang. They turned to the source of it and were dumbfounded when they saw Marinette standing in front of a giant hole leading to the stairs, a broken chair leg in her hand.

"Good job, Mari!" Adrien, Nino, and Alya synchronized. They jogged over, and the four studied the hole. "I-It's stable enough to get everyone out. Come on," Marinette said.

That's the first time anyone's ever heard, besides Alya, Marinette talk with such confidence. "Ugh! If you think I'm walking through that, you're crazy," Chloe complained.

"Chloe, you have no choice. You either stay here and risk getting hurt or leave the classroom and find a place where it's safe," Mari frowned.

Everyone was shocked. Did Marinette just order Chloe? They watched the exchange between Chloe and Marinette before Chloe mumbled "fine" and strutted towards the hole, stepping out with Sabrina right behind her.

"Did that....just happen?" Alix questioned. Ms. Mendeleiev couldn't believe it either. "Well, class. Let's listen to Marinette and go," Ms. Mendeleiev announced.

The class, besides Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Mari, went through the hole and down the stairs. "WHERE IS CHLOE BOURGEOIS?!" It's always Chloe, Mari and Adrien thought.

"Everyone get to safety!!!" Marinette shouted, gathering the students and bringing them towards where the rest of the school is.

Adrien helped settle them in Miss Bustier's class, then Marinette and Adrien went their separate ways, looking for a place to transform. Adrien found an alleyway (A/N: alley kitty!!😸), and Marinette went into an empty locker room.


With the Akumatized Villain


"You can't have her!" Ladybug said. She landed in front of the villain, taking on a fighting stance. Her eyes observed the villain. It was a male with metal wings, wearing armor made from the same metal.


"She's in a place where you won't find her!" shouted Chat Noir.

Ladybug restrained her smile when she saw her alley cat. Focus, Marinette, she thought to herself. The akumatized villain laughed. "I am Metallica, and I will destroy you!" Metallica yelled.

Ladybug and Chat jumped out of the way as several throwing knives were directed towards them. The two superheroes still couldn't name the type of metal.

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