The Next Day

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Plagg sat in a chair beside the bed and kept watch over his princesses throughout the night.
Third Person's POV

Plagg groaned as he slowly woke up, rubbing the back of his neck to lessen the pain.

Note to self, never sleep in a chair again, Plagg thought to himself.

He rubbed his eyes to get the last of the sleep out of them, then glanced to the bed. He smiled as he saw his two princesses cuddled close to each other.

He stood from the chair and checked the watch on his wrist.

6:30. Too early, but Mari needs to go to hell- uh, school.

Plagg walked the two steps in the direction to the bed. He sighed and bellyflopped on top of the two sleeping girls.

Tikki and Mari both let out an 'oof' as the air was knocked out of them. They opened their eyes and looked at Plagg with tired glares.

"Uhhh, I should probably run now, huh?" Plagg said with a nervous laugh.

Mischief shined through the girls' eyes. Plagg gave one more laugh, then dashed off the bed and out of the room.

Mari and Tikki jumped out of bed and chased the poor kitty around the fortress.

Through the kitchen.

In the dining room.

Through the living room.

Into the arcade.

Back to the bedroom.

Plagg landed on the bed, laughing with an 'OOF' as his two princesses jumped on him.

The girls giggled. Plagg wrapped his arms around them, and the three stayed cuddling for a few minutes.

A beep rang through the peaceful silence of the room. Plagg checked his watch and saw the time.

"Alright, Princess. 7:00. Time for hell- uh, school," Plagg voiced his thoughts from earlier.

Mari and Tikki let out a few giggles. Plagg released the kwami and Mari. Tikki took Mari to the closet and opened the closet doors.

Marinette gasped.

It was a huge walk-in closet filled with all the clothes you could ever imagine.

They ranged from expensive to cheap, glittery to plaid to plain, jeans, sweats, skirts, dresses, hoodies, everything.

"Woah! There are so many choices!" Mari said as she ran in.

Plagg got off the bed and walked to stand by Tikki. The two humanized kwamis watched their daughter run around the mall-sized closet.

"You can choose whatever you'd like, Marinette," Tikki giggled out.

Mari smiled and picked a black hoodie, pink tank top, blue jeans, and pink and black converse.

She rushed to put them on in the bathroom as Tikki made her pancakes for breakfast.

When Mari was done, she put her clothes in the hamper next to the sink and walked out, seeing Plagg waiting for her.

She gave Plagg a smile, laughing as he gave her a noogie in return. Mari had decided to leave her hair down, so she was basically prepared for the hair attack from Plagg.

The two walked to the kitchen and drooled at the sight of Tikki's chocolate chip pancakes.

"Help yourselves," Tikki laughed with a smile, gesturing to the pancakes.

Plagg rushed to the table and grabbed three of the seven pancakes there.

Mari hesitates though. She should not eat that. Her parents would find out. She cannot eat.

The three occupants of the kitchen flinched as a cup sitting on the counter shattered. The two humanized kwamis looked over to a fearful Mari.

"It's okay, Marinette. You can have some," Tikki comforted as she gave a sympathetic smile.

Mari took a deep breath and walked to the table, grabbing one of the pancakes. Tikki hummed happily and went to grab a broom to clean the glass.

"Thank you," Mari whispered.

She took a bite of the pancake and watched as Tikki swept up the remains of the cup. Mari then glanced at the time, her eyes widening as she saw it read 7:23.

"I'm gonna be late!" Mari shouted.

Plagg's and Tikki's heads shot to the clock. Tikki swept the glass into the dustpan and dumped it in the garbage.

Plagg shoveled the rest of the pancakes he was eating into his mouth, swallowing the mouthful as he put the plate in the sink.

Tikki and Plagg then took Mari by the hands, grabbed her backpack, and opened the fortress door.

The three rushed up the stairs. Once they reached the clearing, the giant door closed.

Plagg picked Mari up bridal style, and Tikki put the bag on her back. The two kwamis flew into the air towards Paris.

Mari squealed, gleeful and fearful, as she clung to Plagg. Plagg gave a smirk as the two kwamis increased their speed, trying to get to Françoise Dupont on time.

"Just enjoy the view, Marebear," Plagg reassured.

Mari gave Plagg a bright smile, making Plagg and Tikki happy. Mari sighed happily and leaned her head on Plagg's chest.

Plagg and Tikki glanced at each other, their eyes shining brightly. They were glad their little princess was happy.

The two kwamis reached Paris. They landed on the ground to be less suspicious. Plagg and Tikki walked quickly to the school and made it just in time.

Plagg set Mari on her feet and Tikki gave Mari her backpack. The two humanized kwamis gave Mari a hug.

"Have a good day. And don't listen to anything negative. We'll know if you're feeling upset, and I'll be in your purse and Plagg will be with his holder. So if you need anything, just go to the bathroom and we'll follow right after, okay?" Tikki reassured Mari.

Marinette nodded and gave the two kwamis one more hug. Then they shrunk back down to the floating little kwamis, Tikki zooming into Mari's purse, and Plagg zooming to his holder.

Mari took a deep breath and walked up the stairs of Françoise Dupont. She walked through the doors and up the steps to her class.

You can do this, Mari. Plagg and Tikki are always nearby, Mari thought to herself.

She opened the door to her classroom and felt all the eyes in there shift to glance at her. Mari shuffled on her feet awkwardly in the doorway.

"Umm... Hi," Mari said with a wave.

There were a few seconds of silence until one snotty brat spoke up.

"Ugh, I guess the trash came back after all," Chloe sneered.

Marinette frowned, but felt Tikki give her a hug to the leg, and that frown disappeared. Mari looked over at Chloe.

"And hello to you too, Chloe," Mari monotoned.

The class stared at Mari in shock. Did she speak back to Chloe? Even Chloe seemed taken aback. Mari walked up the steps to her seat, and her and Alya began chatting about anything.

The teacher went back to teaching the class about ancient history. Adrien, who was sitting in his seat, felt a breeze pass his leg and a small nudge to his shin.

He looked down to find Plagg in his bag. Adrien silently sighed in relief to know his kwami was okay, then directed his attention to the lesson.

Plagg, Tikki, Mari, and Adrien all hoped nothing would go wrong that day. But, you never know.

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