Ladybug and Chat Noir

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Hey everyone. I think I forgot to add a picture of Noah in the last chapter. So it's up above here ^^

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

"CHAT NOIR!!" Chat's eyes widened in fright and fear and anything resembling being afraid as he watched......
Third Person's POV

Chat Noir watched as the sword got too close for comfort near Ladybug as she pushed Chat away from the oncoming blade.

"M'Lady, are you okay? Did the sword get you? Are you hurt-"


Chat Noir and Ladybug both turned to the villain. Metallica stood a few feet away from the bug and cat, his sword trembling in the tight grip of his hand. He was facing the ground, his eyes closed in anger.

He had seen what Ladybug had done, had seen she had saved him, and he was angry. Very angry.

"I was so close..." Metallica whispered. He looked up and opened his eyes, the fury showing brightly. "You wanna know what I do to people who get in my way.....?" Metallica asked, tilting his head.

Ladybug and Chat Noir knew that this was Hawkmoth talking, but they could not help but fear this new villain. It was way more unstable than all of Hawkmoth's other victims.

Metallica smirked and ran towards the superheroines. Ladybug and Chat Noir just managed to jump away as a sword struck the spot they were originally crouched in.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures..." Ladybug muttered.


The lucky charm landed in Ladybug's hands, showing it to be a hook. Ladybug stared in confusion.

"What am I supposed to do with this?!" Ladybug exclaimed.

"You'll figure it out, M'Lady! You always do," Chat grunted, blocking a swing from Metallica with his baton.

Ladybug analyzed the situation and her surroundings. Red and black highlighted Metallica's sword, Chat Noir, and the hook. Ladybug huffed at the complication of the plan.

"Kitty, I got a plan! Lure him over hear!" Ladybug shouted to Chat Noir.

"You got it, M'Lady," Chat Noir responded.

Chat blocked a swipe and jumped away from Metallica. He taunted the villain, making Metallica angry enough to sprint to Chat. He got Metallica right where Ladybug had wanted him. Metallica swiped his sword down at Chat, but Ladybug took the hook and slammed it into the ground, trapping Metallica's arm. While Metallica was distracted, Ladybug very carefully took out Metallica's piercing.

"No more evil doing for you, little Akuma," Ladybug said while smiling. She turned to Chat Noir and approached him.

"Would you like to do the honors, Chaton?" Ladybug presented the piercing. Chat Noir bowed.

"Of course, M'Lady. CATACLYSM!"

Ladybug placed the piercing in Chat Noir's palm, immediately disintegrating the metal. A little purple butterfly flew out of the object, fluttering in front of Paris' superheroes.

Ladybug took out her yo-yo, opening it. "Time to de-evilize," Ladybug swung her yo-yo at the Akuma, trapping it inside. "Gotcha!" Ladybug opened her yo-yo again, releasing the now purified butterfly to flutter away.

"Bye-bye, little butterfly," Ladybug muttered, smiling.

She grabbed the lucky charm and threw it into the air shouting, "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Thousands of ladybugs fixed whatever damages were done to the city of Paris, and the Parisians went on with their day. Chat Noir was healed, Chloe's earrings were repaired, and Metallica reduced back to Noah. He was now currently kneeling from the exertion of being transformed back to normal, his piercing back in his ear.

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir fist-bumped.

"W-Where am I?" Noah confusedly asked.

Ladybug walked over to Noah and knelt down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You were akumatized. Do you remember what happened that caused such negative emotions?" Ladybug asked gently.

Noah squinted at the ground, racking his brain to remember. "I-... I was staying at Le Grand Paris. I remember wandering around the lobby and suddenly stepping on a pair of earrings.

I don't know how they got there, but then all I remember was getting yelled at by Chloe Bourgeois and getting kicked out of the hotel by Mayor Bourgeois. I walked to the park feeling angry. Then, a complete blackout afterward, until now. I'm sorry for giving in and hurting people," Noah explained.

Ladybug hummed in thought. "Don't go blaming yourself. It was Hawkmoth's fault, not yours," Ladybug comforted.

A sudden beeping filled the air, reminding Ladybug and Chat Noir of other important things (like their identities).

"Well, bye-bye, Kitty. Hope to see you tonight on patrol. And please do take this young gentleman back to the hotel. I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding. Bug out!" Ladybug threw her yo-yo at another building and swung in the direction towards her home.

Chat Noir quickly took Noah to the hotel, explained to the mayor the misunderstanding, and went home to the Agreste Mansion. School had been canceled for the duration of that day, so everyone had gone home.
(Let's see how Marinette's doing. Oof ;-;)

Ladybug landed in an alleyway close to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. She looked around quickly to see if anyone was watching, then let her transformation wear out, letting her tiny red friend fly out into her cupped hands.

Tikki looked extremely exhausted after that particular akumatized villain.

"Marinette..." Tikki whispered, looking up at her holder, wide dark blue eyes shining with tiredness and hope. Mari stares at her kwami in sadness.

"I don't know if I'll be able to sneak you a cookie, Tikki. But I'll try," Marinette whispered, guilt lingering in her voice. Tikki smiled tiredly up at her friend.

"It's okay, Marinette. I can survive without a cookie for right now. I can just take a nap to restore energy," Tikki said sincerely. Mari let out a giggle, a small smile appearing on her face. "Okay, Tikki. But I'll still try to get you that cookie," Mari told her kwami.

"Thank you, Marinette," Tikki whispered as she was placed gently inside Marinette's purse. Mari walked out of the alleyway unsuspiciously and walked home with unease. She was afraid of what was to come when she reached home. And she was right to be afraid.

"Where have you been?!" were the first words yelled at Marinette as she opened the door to her house above the bakery. She flinched at the sound of her father's voice.

"Th-There was an Akuma, and my friends and I were stuck at the school," Mari whispered without making eye contact.

Tom and Sabine looked to each other, then back at Marinette. Mari heard the silent agreement between the two and internally braced herself for what was about to happen.

Hey everyone.

So my chapter was getting to the point where it was over four thousand words long.

So I'll just make several parts so you all have more chapters to read.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Bye bye now!

*runs off to finish making several more chapters*

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