Chloe's "Threat" (can't even call it a threat) and Mari's Very Minor Freakout

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Hey everyone. So quick thing to say. The rest of this book is going to be in an outsider's point of view. So third person's POV. Okie, read along.

Plagg, Tikki, Mari, and Adrien all hoped nothing would go wrong that day. But, you never know.
Third Person's POV

Mari had been mindful of her injuries that she had sustained the day before, but was surprised to have found that they were completely healed.

So instead of having to worry, Mari copied down notes for the lesson, while also drawing designs in her sketchbook.

After History class went surprisingly well, Mari headed to Ms. Bustier's class with a little hope for the day to go nicely.

But when she saw Chloe walking towards her, she knew her luck just ran out. All hope drained from her eyes.

"Hey, Maritrash. What do you think you're doing?" Chloe sneered.

Mari's eyes shone confusion, but her face stayed blank. What did Chloe mean?

"I'm walking to class, Chloe," Mari replied.

Chloe scoffed and stared at Mari in hatred. God, she's so oblivious, Chloe thought.

"Ugh. No, you buffoon. I mean, why are you taking my Adrikins away from me? He's mine!" Chloe stated.

"He's his own person, Chloe. Not property. You can't own him. He's not yours," Mari frowned.

Mari looked on at Chloe in anger and fear. Anger because of what she said about Adrien, and fear because she is Marinette's bully. Mari clutched her backpack strap tightly.

"Well, guess what, Maritrash? You're wrong. He is mine and you better stay away from him," Chloe threatened.

Mari's anger merged with her fear, making her even more scared. She kept her eyes on Chloe but felt Tikki shifting uncomfortably in her purse.

Mari placed her right hand subtly on her purse, inwardly smiling as she felt Tikki move towards her hand.


Mari's eyes widened and she gasped, her left hand flying up to her cheek as she felt a sting. Her eyes started to fill with tears.

"Stay away from my Adrikins, Maritrash. Or else," Chloe threatened.

Mari stared off in the distance as Chloe walked to class. Chloe reminded Mari of her parents. She could not help but remember all the times that her parents slapped her.

Tikki felt Mari's distress, which made Tikki tap Mari on the leg through the purse. Mari jumped in surprise at the tap, then was reminded of Tikki and her's conversation earlier that morning.

"Have a good day. And don't listen to anything negative. We'll know if you're feeling upset, and I'll be in your purse and Plagg will be with his holder. So if you need anything, just go to the bathroom and we'll follow right after, okay?" Tikki reassured Mari.

Mari nodded to herself and walked quickly to the girls' bathroom. Once the door shut, Mari subconsciously opened her purse and a flash of red light shone.

A few moments later, Mari felt arms wrap around her. Knowing this to be Tikki in human form, Mari wrapped her arms around Tikki, leaning into the comforting embrace.
With Plagg

Plagg flinched at the sudden feeling of distress, then his eyes glanced towards the classroom door, his own distress showing.

Adrien had been in class for a few minutes, waiting for the bell to ring to start the lesson. He felt something hit his leg. Looking down, he looked in confusion as he saw Plagg staring at the class door.

All of a sudden, Plagg bolted out of Adrien's bag as the feelings of sadness and fear rushed into his subconscious. He knew these were Mari's emotions. He needed to see her.

Adrien just shook his head in concern as Plagg phased through the door and flew out of sight. He was worried about his kwami but was forced to pay attention as the bell rang and class started.

Plagg zoomed as quick as he could through the empty halls. He found the location he was looking for. He floated before the closed door of the ladies' room.

A flash of green light appeared. Plagg, now in human form, quickly opened the door. After making sure no one was there to see, he walked in and smiled as he saw Tikki and Mari hugging.

His smile fell though when he saw Mari's tears. Plagg closed the door and walked over to the hugging individuals before joining in on the hug.

None of the occupants in the bathroom flinched as one of the sink mirrors shattered. The two 'adult' figures just hugged the teenager tighter.

Mari felt safe and loved in Tikki and Plagg's arms. These feelings made calming down easier.

Mari took a deep breath and smiled as she caught the faint whiffs of Camembert and cookies.

The two adults then let go of Mari and encouraged her to head to class. Since Mari was calm now, they believed she was ready to go to Ms. Bustier's.

Flashes of green and red light shone. Then, Tikki and Plagg were back in their kwamis forms. Plagg flew to Mari and placed a kiss on her forehead, the flew back to his holder.

Tikki smiled reassuringly and gave Mari a kiss on her cheek, flying into Mari's purse.

Mari closed her purse with a slight smile. She walked out of the bathroom and to class with the reassurance that Tikki was right.

Plagg and Tikki will always be there for her. No matter what happens. They'll know when and how to find her.

Hey! 'Nother quick thing. I shall be updating this book twice today. So be on the lookout BC it might be within the hour this one was posted. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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