Fun Time At The Fortress

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Maybe my life isn't so bad after all, Mari thought happily to herself.

Oh, Mari. If only you knew, girl. If only you knew.
Plagg, Tikki and Mari had sat in the bedroom on the bed after the events that occurred. They were eating the fruit and cookies, Plagg also having gotten Camembert for himself.

Mari and Tikki were teasing him about his nasty smelling cheese. Plagg just responded with a tickle fight. They were talking about funny times Mari tried to get Adrien to hang out with her.

Mari was embarrassed but she laughed along with the two. She also has not felt this full in so long.

After all of the snacks were eaten, Tikki and Plagg had a surprise for Mari. Mari raised an eyebrow but she followed them and closed her eyes.

Tikki and Plagg steered her towards one of their favorite rooms in the fortress. When they reached their destination, Marinette opened her eyes and gasped.

"An arcade!" Mari squealed.

She ran towards Pac-Man and started playing. Plagg and Tikki watched as their little bug beat a lot of the high scores on most of the arcade games. It seemed as if Mari loved arcade games.

Plagg and Tikki accepted a challenge from Mari for Dance Dance Revolution. Mari lost first and stood back to watch Plagg and Tikki compete.

She smiled and giggled as she watched their playful banter. Tikki then eventually lost with Plagg being titled as the winner.

"Ha! I win! Beat that, Bug," Plagg boasted.

Mari watched the exchange. Then she noticed something with Plagg's words. They reminded her of Chloe. Chloe...

Mari's eyes widened and she gasped, her breathing picking up. Tikki and Plagg's heads shot over to Mari, then to each other with worried glances. They ran over to Mari just as soon as the telepathic tornado started.

"Marinette, calm down. Everything is fine. You're okay," Tikki tried to reassure.

Mari clung to Plagg and nuzzled her face on Plagg's chest. Plagg had his arms wrapped around his panicking little bug while Tikki had her arms wrapped around them both.

"C'mon, princess. Calm down. That's it," Plagg gently instructed.

Mari listened to Plagg's words and started breathing deeply. She had to ease her panic. But she just could not stop thinking of Chloe. Then her parents came to mind.

"N-No... Stop... Stop!" Mari pleaded.

Her thoughts were getting out of control, making the telepathic tornado grow. Things were flying everywhere.

Tikki then came up with a solution. She placed her hand on Mari's head and closed her eyes, transferring good memories to her mind.

Mari received these memories. They calmed her down and the tornado eventually stopped. The three just stood there for a few minutes. Mari had seen everything that had happened. She now knew about her telepathy. But she did not care.

So long as she had Tikki and Plagg with her, she was fine. Plagg glanced at Tikki as she opened her eyes with a sigh.

He smiled softly at her as he watched her beautiful dark blue eyes flutter in his direction.

Plagg then glanced down at Mari who still clung to him. He rubbed his hand up and down her back in slow soothing motions.

"Come on, Mari. Let's go back to the bedroom," Plagg said.

Tikki followed Plagg when Plagg picked Mari up bridal style and headed out of the arcade room.

The two humanized kwamis walked into the bedroom and Plagg set Mari on the bed. Mari sat up and wrapped her arms around her legs. She gave Plagg and Tikki a weak smile as they sat next to her.

"You know what always cheers me up?" Plagg asked Mari.

"What?" Marinette asked, turning to Plagg.

Plagg waited to build up suspense, then said one word...


Mari blinked owlishly at Plagg, then busted out laughing. Tikki grinned and laughed along with Mari as Plagg looked at the two with a grin of his own. He was glad he could cheer them up again.

Plagg then started an all-out tickle war. The three tried to tickle each other but Plagg seemed to overpower both of them and ended up tickling them mercilessly.

Soon enough though, Plagg had to get back to Adrien. Mari and Tikki pouted at Plagg.

"Party pooper," the two mumbled, crossing their arms.

Plagg chuckled and stood up from the bed. He gave his girls one last hug, then walked out of the bedroom.

He wished the games could have continued but he had to get back to his holder before he woke up. And he knew for sure that Adrien was going to be awake soon.

Plagg turned around and said one last goodbye then turned and walked out of the fortress and up the spiral stairs.

Walking out of the hatch, the hatch closed and Plagg transformed back into a kwami. He started his flight back to Paris while thinking about his two princesses. They were his world and he would never give them up for anything. Plagg reached Paris and continued to the Agreste Mansion.

Looking through Adrien's bedroom window, Plagg was relieved to see Adrien still sleeping. He did not want to explain why he disappeared again.

Plagg flew to the Camembert stash that Adrien made for him and grabbed a container of his favorite cheese. He plopped a piece into his mouth and landed on Adrien's bedside table, watching over his holder while he slept.

Plagg would never admit it but he thought of the human boy as if he were his son. Plagg worried about the boy's safety when fighting Akumas and worried for the boy's health.

Plagg flew to Adrien's pillow once he finished his cheese and laid next to Adrien's head. He decided a nap would not hurt.

Plagg closed his eyes and dreamed about his two princesses and the fun time they had at the fortress earlier.

Hey everyone. So someone had guessed it in one of the previous chapters but I'm just gonna say it here.

Marinette is Plagg and Tikki's daughter.

One secret out of several revealed!

Anyways, bye bye!

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