Adrienette Moments. NINO IS FINALLY INCLUDED (i totally didn't forget about him)

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"Woah! This place is dope!" Nino exclaimed as he walked through the doors, yelping when they slammed shut.

Tikki and Plagg had been convinced by Adrien, and (not)surprisingly Mari, to bring Nino down to the fortress.

Marinette had felt as if Nino has been left out, and Adrien had suggested they bring him down and show him the arcade. Mari had agreed to full-heartedly and had taken the idea to her parents.

It had taken a time period of five minutes to convince Tikki and Plagg, but eventually, they had agreed. Nino, being the trustworthy baby boi he is, was told everything (except for the abuse). He had believed it and was super ecstatic to learn his best friends were Ladybug and Chat Noir.

He promised to keep it a secret, of course.

This all brings us to now.

Nino was standing with all four mentioned individuals in the entrance/living room of the fortress. He was beyond awed and amazed at the sight.

"Dudette, can I live here?" Nino begged, sending pleading eyes at Tikki.

"No," Tikki giggled, "You still have your house to live in, silly."

"Awww, man," Nino pouted.

Everyone in the room laughed at Nino's display. Adrien, Alya, Mari, Tikki, and Plagg all brought Nino to the arcade, grinning at his shout of delight as he raced around the room to play every game.

"I really like your friends, Mari. They're so supportive, and they are genuinely best friends of yours. They care about you so much. That makes me happy," Tikki whispered happily to her daughter, smiling so brightly that Marinette felt the need to squint.

Mari felt overjoyed at the happy feeling she got from her mom, from her friends and her dad. She was happy.

"Hey, Princess. Wanna go play Ultimate Mecha Strike III with me?"

Mari turned to Adrien, her kitty, with a smile and a nod. She walked off with him towards the gaming chairs and took the player one controller discretely. She sat in the pink chair and waited for Adrien to be seated.

"Hey, wait! No fair! Why do you get to be Player One?! I wanna be Player One!" Adrien whined, a pout settling on his face.

"Because, silly kitty. I am always number one," Marinette giggled at her kitty's antics.

"Always and forever, M'Lady," Adrien beamed, his words sincere.

Mari felt her face heat up. Her eyes widened and her brain buffered as she processed Adrien's words.

"Cute," Adrien mumbled to himself, picking his character for the game.

Marinette chose her character—after she came back to the real world from her crisis—and the battle began.


"Marebear looks like she's having fun," Plagg informed Tikki with a smile.

Tikki hummed with a smile of her own as the humanized kwamis gazed with fondness at their daughter laughing and playfully nudging the blonde boy.

"I've never seen Mari this...happy," Alya whispered/told Tikki and Plagg, "It feels as though it's a dream. My BFF can finally be happy. And it's thanks to you two. Thank you."

Tikki and Plagg felt their eyes moisten with emotion after hearing Alya's words.

"We just want her to be happy. We're glad she gets to be happy here," Tikki admitted, leaning into Plagg with her head on his chest.

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