Marinette And Tikki Discuss The Next Day; And LASER TAG

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Another FYI, Mari doesn't know Tikki and Plagg are her parents. She thinks Tom and Sabine are her parents because she looks so much like Sabine. ON TO THE STORY!! •3•

Plagg closed his eyes and dreamed about his two princesses and the fun time they had at the fortress earlier.
With Marinette and Tikki

When Plagg left the fortress, Tikki laid down beside Marinette. Mother and daughter cuddled together for an hour.

Mari was laying her head on Tikki's chest with her arms around her mom and Tikki had her arms around her daughter, keeping her close.

Then the two got bored.

"Sooo... What do you wanna do?" Mari asked, looking up at Tikki.

Tikki looked down at Mari and thought to herself with a finger tapping her chin.

"Hmm, well I have Laser Tag here," Tikki said gleefully.

Mari nodded an okay and the two girls got up. Tikki showed the way to the Laser Tag room. Mari was careful with her wounds as she put on her vest. She then took notice that her bandages on her arms were glowing a neon color from the neon lights in the room.

"Tikki, look! It's so cool," Mari squeaked.

Her bandages may have been there for a reason that was not cool, but Mari thought the neon glow was awesome.

Tikki giggled at her daughter's antics. The two of them continued to suit up then entered the Laser Tag 'battlefield'.

Mari went to one side. Tikki went to the other.




Mari stealthily ran behind barriers towards Tikki. She saw Tikki sprint past her and dodged the laser aimed at her chest. Laughing, Mari chased after Tikki and managed to stun Tikki.

Tikki groaned in playful defeat and ran to hide while smiling. Mari giggled and thought of several tactics. She looked up and saw a second floor to the Laser Tag room. Smirking, Mari planned that as her last attack.

Tikki stealthily crept about, looking for her sneaky daughter. Her eyes glanced in every direction. Then she heard a beep and her chest light turned off.

Tikki groaned and turned around to find a laughing Mari. She smiled, and as soon as her vest was back on, she shot her laser gun at Mari.

She watched Mari gasp and grin as she ran away. Tikki shook her head with a smile.

Just like her mama, Tikki thought to herself.

She ran and hid behind a barrier, looking through the window at Mari. She ran behind Mari and shot the laser at her vest.

The game was like this back and forth. Mari shot Tikki, so Tikki got revenge. Mother and daughter were equally matched.

30 seconds

Mari stopped and thought to herself. It's time to put her plan in action. Mari smirked and hopped up to the second floor and crept along the floor on her belly, looking for Tikki.

When she spotted Tikki, she pulled her gun off her vest hook holster.


Mari made sure Tikki could not see her.


She crept a little closer to get a better view.


Looking down at Tikki, Mari saw that she had a perfect view and shot at Tikki.


Tikki did not know what was going to hit her.


Tikki was still looking for Mari, glancing in every direction.


Mari lifted her laser gun and pointed it in Tikki's direction.


Mari took aim and squeezed her left eye closed to get a better view.


She took a deep breath, readying her laser gun.


Mari placed her finger on the trigger.


Mari shot Tikki's vest just in time for the timer to stop. Tikki looked over as she heard giggling and watched her daughter jump down from the second floor.

"I forgot we had that second floor," Tikki said in realization.

The two girls giggled and went out of the Laser Tag field to see their scores. Mari and Tikki hung up their vests and looked at the scoreboard screen.

Marinette gasped.

Tikki's eyes widened.

"I WON!!" Mari screeched.

Marinette started victory dancing. Tikki giggled at her daughter's antics then decided to chase her daughter and tickle her mercilessly.

Marinette squealed and ran from Tikki. The two girls had fun for a few more minutes then they went to the bedroom and continued their discontinued cuddle session.

"So, I want to talk to you about tomorrow, okay?" Tikki said.

Mari nodded and waited for Tikki's instructions.

"I don't want anyone to find out where Plagg and I brought you. Try not to run into your... parents too. And keep everything on a low profile," Tikki said.

"Okay. I'll try to be aware of my surroundings and I'll keep the secrets safe," Mari replied.

Tikki smiled and hugged her daughter. She had felt repulsed at calling Sabine and Tom Mari's parents. But there is only so much the poor kwami could do.

Daughter and mother yawned and closed their eyes. They fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms, as safe as can be.
With Plagg

Plagg yawned and stretched, opening his eyes. He lied next to Adrien for a few more minutes, then decided to get some Camembert.

He flew over and grabbed a case, eating his favorite food. Plagg looked over at the window and noticed the sun had set and the moon and stars were out.

Glancing at the sleeping Adrien, Plagg decided he would visit his two favorite girls.

Finishing up his cheese and making sure Adrien was fast asleep, Plagg phased out of Adrien's window and flew to the outskirts of Paris.

Arriving at the forest, he transformed into a human, found the tree, and walked down the spiral steps.

Inputting his codes, the door opened and Plagg closed it quietly. He walked towards the bedroom and smiled at the sight.

Tikki had her arms wrapped around Marinette and Marinette was cuddled on Tikki's chest.

Plagg walked up to the bed and knelt down to kiss his girls' foreheads.

"Love you two," Plagg whispered.

He watched their sleepy smiles grow and he felt happy he could make those smiles appear.

Plagg sat in a chair beside the bed and kept watch over his princesses throughout the night.

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