Mari's MAJOR Freak Out and Tikki And Plagg's Worry And Protection

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Sorry, everyone. I fell asleep before posting this chapter. But here it is! Enjoy!

Plagg and Tikki will always be there for her. No matter what happens. They'll know when and how to find her.
Third Person's POV

Twenty minutes after Mair went to class, a custodian went in the bathroom to clean a reported mysteriously broken mirror.

School had gone surprisingly smooth after the encounter with Chloe and Mari's minor freak out. Of course, her friends questioned the handprint on her face, but she told them not to worry about it.

They did worry but decided to ignore that topic. Mari had exited the school when it ended with a slight smile, waving goodbye to her friends.

Nino and Adrien had waved goodbye and walked to their homes. Alya went to say goodbye but paled at the two people, who were loved by the public but hated by four others, standing behind Mari.

Mari spun around, and the two best friends stared in fear at the sight of Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng.

Mari's parents.

Well, fu-

"We're here to bring you home, honey. Come on, let's go," Sabine said with a fake smile.

Mari gulped and watched her parents walk towards the bakery. She felt Alya place a hand on her shoulder at the same time Tikki nuzzled against her thigh through her purse.

Mari took a shaky breath and looked at Alya, who bore a worried and frightened expression.

"Be careful, girl. Call me if or when you need me, okay?" Alya whispered worriedly.

Mari nodded. Once Alya turned a corner, Mari sprinted to her house, trying to get there before her parents.

Mari sprinted passed her parents, which angered them, and ran into the bakery. Mari practically flew up the stairs towards her room.

Just as she reached the trapdoor to her bedroom, she felt a tug on her leg. Before she knew it, Mari was rolling painfully down the stairs.

Luckily, she did not get seriously hurt. Only a few bruises from the tumble.

Mari stood up from her position on the ground and glanced in fear at her enraged parents.

"You little b-"

"You should have been here yesterday. We should not have had to fake worry for your sorry butt. But you're going to make up for it today," Tom interrupted Sabine, frowning angrily at Marinette.

Mari felt Tikki zooming around in circles in her purse. Tikki was extremely worried and afraid of what Mari's "parents" would do to her. She was thinking of an idea to help Mari, but it was not ideal.

Mari winced as Tom raised his hand to hit her. But just before Tom landed the hit...

Someone stopped him.

Mari opened her eyes when she did not feel the hit. She gasped as she saw a human Tikki and Plagg standing in front of her.

Plagg and Tikki were death glaring at the two shocked and frightened parents, Plagg having been the one who stopped the hit.

Mari started hyperventilating. She was grateful for Tikki and Plagg stopping her parents, but her thoughts wandered.

Will Tom and Sabine hurt them?

Will Tikki and Plagg hurt Tom and Sabine?

Will Tom and Sabine still hit her?

Tom, Sabine, and Mari flinched at the sound of several glass cups and plates breaking. Plagg and Tikki looked over at the broken glass, then to Mari, then to each other.

"We gotta go," Plagg whispered.

Tikki nodded, slowly walking over to Mari. She raised her hands calmly and persuaded the teen to be picked up.

Mari wrapped her arms around Tikki. Tikki, not wanting to be seen flying, ran down the stairs of the house and out of the door of the bakery.

Once Plagg saw his princesses were safe, he gave one final death glare to the "parental figures" and ran to catch up to Tikki.

Plagg and Tikki ran side by side, matching their paces as they raced through Paris towards the fortress. They had to move a few people out of their way but tried to avoid confrontation.

Mari flinched as a little dust and trash started floating off the ground and spin in the air, as if in a vortex. This made Mari panic more.

Plagg and Tikki ran faster when they saw this, knowing that Mari's telekinesis might get out of control soon.

Tikki then realized something. She did not stop running though.

"Plagg, we need to call Alya. She's reliable and might be able to calm Mari down," Tikki said.

Plagg nodded and took Mari's phone from her pocket. The two kwamis never stopped running, but they took a detour to Alya's house.

Plagg inputted Mari's password, somehow having known it was "TikkixPlagg". Plagg rolled his eyes at the password, scrolling through the contact list. He found Alya's name and tapped "call".

Alya picked up after the first ring.

"Mari? Are you okay? Do you need my help? Are you hurt? Did they hurt you? I'll be right ov-"

"Woah, slow down. My name is Plagg. My wife Tikki and I have her, but she's hyperventilating and we need you to calm her down," Plagg told Alya.

"So long as you're telling the truth. She has mentioned someone named Tikki a few times. I'll be right there. Where are you?" *knock *knock* "Nevermind."

Alya ended the call as she heard knocking on her front door. She walked to the front door, opening it to find two adults carrying Mari. Alya turned to the adult with... cat ears and a tail?

"Plagg?" Alya asked, receiving a nod in response.

Mari gasped as more dust, trash, and papers swirled in the small wind-like vortex she's creating. Plagg and Tikki stepped away from Alya's house to avoid anything shattering from in there.

"You need to help us. If she doesn't calm down soon, it's going to get worse," Tikki pleaded.

Alya, of course, has seen the telekinetic activity and had immediately known it was Mari. She always thought her friend was special. She made her decision.

"I'll always help my BFF," Alya declared.

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