Chapter 1

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Author Notes:

Hi all, its my first attempt in writing. The inspiration for this book has been from a bad break up my sister went through a fews months ago. I hope you like this second chance romance. Please do let me know if I have made any grammatical or typological mistakes. I am open for comments. Critiques are welcomed. If you do like the book please vote.

Love you all.. Have a nice day..


"Forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine.."

I am tired. I am hungry. And I am so very exhausted. I have been working 18 hours straight for the past few months and still I am nowhere near the amount I need to pay for my mother's hospital bill.

Life is funny and cruel. When I was young, I was desperate for a family, friend or any relationship, I never found one or, more like, no one found me. Finally when my mother found me, I was already an adult married to a millionaire. This is when life decided to be cruel. It decided I had too many people on my side and took away my husband and leaving me my mother, who wanted nothing but my money.

Its been three years since I was kicked in the grub by my beloved husband, but still I feel the pain. Every part of my body hurts, every time I remember the moment he told me he didn't want me anymore, the anger on his handsome face when he asked me to pack my bags and the hatred  he freely expressed when he told me to get out. I am stuck in that moment unable to move forward wondering why. What did I do to earn his love in the first place? What did I do to earn his hatred? What do I lack?

Okay, I do have the answer for the last question. I truly have nothing. I have no degree. I have no money. I have no one except for my mother who basically doesn't even like me. But Ethan was nothing like me. He has masters in business and computer engineering. He has millions he earned himself through his app development company. He also has millions inherited from his grandparents and parents who have been affluent for generations. And most importantly he has a huge family with brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, parents and grandparents, and many many cousins who all hate me. Lucky me earning hatred like my life depends on it.

I mentally berate myself to stop whining and move on with my life. It's not like Ethan is withering away waiting for me. Ha. He didn't even wait for 24 hours. The very night he kicked me out, even before I realized I didn't even have enough money in my purse to buy myself a burger, Ethan was out partying and banging Bimbos.

I was an idiot then, even after I saw all the colorful pictures of his overnight rendezvous published in every newspaper and online gossip columns. I stupidly thought there has been some misunderstanding and kept looking at my phone so when Ethan calls or texts, I can go back to him as soon as possible. So I waited in an expensive and only hotel, near our apartment, burning my savings away in room service. The reality set in a few weeks later when I checked my bank balance and only had enough money to keep me alive for a couple of days.

Three years later, while I am still struggling to make needs meet, Ethan is engaged to a former super model, actress and entrepreneur. Talk about life being cruel.

I take a deep breath through my nose and let it out slowly. I repeat it three more times like I read in some website that popped up when I googled "How to stop thinking about my ex". It doesn't help but my stomach grumbles loud enough that the teenager who does the dishes turns around to point me to an extra plate of fries that wasn't order by anyone. It's cold and soggy but still its food and it will do. It will save 1 more dollar.

I laugh at how my life had turned upside down. Three years ago Ethan used to take me to these fancy restaurants which would cost a few hundred dollars and now I am nitpicking pennys. I am ashamed I basked in the glory of the money he showered on me. I was not rich before I met Ethan. I was an orphan but the orphanage had enough to never let us go hungry. I had worked since I was 14 and saved enough money to find myself a small apartment and to buy a car when I turned 18.

I was 20 when I first met Ethan. It was in New York where I worked as a receptionist in a five star hotel. The money was good. I had saved enough to put myself through college and get a degree in Elementary education. Even at the orphanage, I was only able to connect to the little kids and so I was all set to become teacher. But then Ethan swept me off my feet and a few months later I quit my job, abandoned my plan and moved to San Francisco.

Only 21 and less than an year since we first met, we married in a beautiful vineyard owned by his family, with a new plan to start a family. We had been trying for a baby for 6 months, when we separated. The divorce was finalized 3 month later. The first few weeks after we separated I hoped against hope that I get pregnant so I could get Ethan back.

Looking back, it was for the better. What would have happened to the child? Ethan would have sued me for fully custody and I could have never won it. Neither did I have money nor a strong case on my side. Taking my child would surely have killed me. If Ethan did let me keep our hypothetical child, how would I take care of him or her. I am barely surviving and knowing that my child is suffering because of me, would have killed me as well.

Ethan would never have abandoned his child. I might not know many things but I know Ethan is a good man. He would have paid child support. If he wasn't so angry and if not for the prenup, Ethan would have given me enough to have a luxurious lifestyle. His family was clever. They practically told him if we didn't sign a prenup, they will not attend the wedding. Ethan was so close to his family. Had his family not attended the wedding, it would have hurt him deeply. I wanted him happy. It was not the money, so I convinced him it was fine if we had a prenup. I told him we were in it forever and nothing will break us apart. Clearly I was  foolish, not for signing the prenup, but right now looking at my bank balance maybe a little money could help me. I was foolish because I thought we will be together forever.

My fingers returns empty from the plate. I look down to see that I have inhaled it all while I rehasded the past once again. I sigh. When will I get over it. When will I move on. I sometimes wonder if poverty is the reason I cannot let go of Ethan. If I had enough money and time, maybe I could get over him but that day seems far far away.

I need 4000 dollars in a week to pay my mother's bill, my rent and spare a little for food. If not my mother will be kicked out of hospice where she is been taken care. Though she had orphaned me when I was a baby, though she came back only because she found out I was married to a millionaire, I can't abandon her. I can't do what she did to me. I can never live with myself after that. I might have inherited her genes but I am not her. I am better than that. I might not have money, education or beauty, but I do have a conscience and a soul which would never let me abandon her.

My stomach grumbles again. A plate of oily fries is not enough but that is all I can afford now. As I remove my apron and slide out of my pointed heels, I wonder if I will abandon my mother, if I do get an eviction notice or when my body gives out. As I slip on my flats and walk out of the bar, I seriously consider what I would do in both cases. Because both of the events are not far from happening.

Its a few minutes past 2. The streets are deserted. My apartment is 15 blocks away. I swallow the nerves like I do everyday and start my power walk towards my apartment. Only a couple of blocks further, I slow down. My energy level is very low. I have been up and working since 7am. I have been picking up extra shifts in the bar for a few months. Due to exhaustion, I am sluggish and I don't see a dark figure following me. By the time I realize, a hand covers my mouth and I am dragged into an alleyway.


I will post the next chapter after I get 10 views on this chapter. Please share with your friends and fellow readers


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