Chapter 9

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Authors note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Next chapter is Ethan and Amy's.

Dedicated to all the lovely readers. Thank you for your comments and votes.

Please comment and vote. It's a great encouragement.

Amy POV:

I walk out of Kate's house wondering where I can go. My only option is the cheap motel where James refused to drop me yesterday. My body hurts everywhere. I should have asked Kate for a painkiller before I left. I sigh. How is it that I keep making people hate me? When James told me about Kate, I wanted to meet this badass girl. When he told me I can stay with her, I was hoping I could make a friend. As soon as she saw me and glared at me, I knew she had made up her mind even before she got to know. It's not like people like to keep me around after they know me. Look at how it turned out with Ethan or Elizabeth. For the nth time, I wonder what Ethan really saw in me in the first place.

I step into the elevator and feel claustrophobic all of a sudden. Similar to how I felt when I had the nightmare last night. I have kept myself busy all night trying to not remember the nightmare but now as I stand alone in the elevator, I am unable to stop from remembering it.

It started with a little girl left alone in a forest. She is trying to find her way home but she keeps running in circles. The little girl's tears and sobs brought an overwhelming sense of sadness in me. Even in my sleep, my heart felt heavy. Then suddenly the girl grew older. She was walking down the street in the middle of the night.
Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed her and dragged her into the alley. Soon, I realized I was reliving my assault. I tried to wake up but I was not able to. This time I fought, kicked and punched the dark force behind me, even though I knew this was a useless battle. Just I felt him penetrate me, I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping at least someone would help me wake up from this nightmare. Luckily, Kate helped me. But as soon as I woke up I felt like someone was choking me. It was hard to breathe. Thankfully, Kate gave me that brown bag. If not I don't think I would have survived the burn in the chest due to the lack of oxygen.

I step out the elevator and walk towards the bus. I am exhausted to the bones but I can't afford a taxi. As I get closer to the bus stop, I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Kate running towards me. She comes to a stop near me. She bends down and pants and signals to hold on a minute.

"Thank God, I caught you before you left. I had to change. I didn't want the neighbors to see me in my undergarments. "

"Are you okay? Did I leave something?", I ask looking into my bag and trying to find what I missed.

"You missed nothing. I came to thank you for typing so many pages for me. You have no idea how important the presentation was for me. You saved my ass today. Thank you so much"

"It's okay."
"Also, I am sorry for being a bi***. I am not used to seeing James with anyone. So I got all jealous and treated you badly."

"I only met James yesterday. There is nothing going on between us.", I assure her. But she shrugs.

" Please don't leave. You can come back and stay here. I promise I will be in my best behavior."

"It's really okay. I don't want to be of inconvenience."

" I promised James I would let you stay. I don't want to disappoint him. So please you have to come back.", she insisted.

"You can tell him I am staying with my friend"

"James will look through my lie in a second. It's not just that, I am disappointed with myself for judging you without knowing you. Please, I really want you to come back so I can get to know you."

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