Chapter 16

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Authors notes:
Another Chapter. Hope you enjoy this.
Please vote and comment. Dedicated to all you lovely readers who encourage me to write.

Please let me know who you picture as Amy when you read this book.

Ethan's POV:

After a few minutes, Amy is shifted from the emergency room to the critical care unit. I caught a glimpse of her when they wheeled her in. She looked pale and almost lifeless. It wrecked me to see her like that. I want someone to punch me so I can feel the pain she felt. I pace the waiting room not knowing what to do with myself.

Soon officers come in to question us. James explains to them how he found Amy. The officers informed us that we need to go back to the island and look at the crime scene before the evidence are contaminated. James is adamant that he won't leave Amy's side. So I go with them making myself useful. When we reach the mansion we see that the party is still on but there are only a few guests in the banquet. The cops first question Mr Lockhart. Mr Lockhart tells them everything he knows. He didn't inform anyone about Amy since he didn't want to cause chaos. He also assured the officers that no one left the island other than Dr Fraser, James, Amy and me.

The officers have also brought in a forensic team who collected samples from the bathroom. Then they asked to see the CCTV footage. The cam video starts from Amy and I fighting near the entrance of the mansion. After I leave, Amy walks up to the stairs slowly looking absolutely devastated. Only then I realize that Amy didn't know the truth about her mother. She really thought that woman was her mother not her aunt. That's another punch to my gut. I relived something that probably shattered her and left her to deal with it on her own. I also divorced her for something she didn't even know. No wonder she felt abandoned. Was all the evidence I saw forged too? Right now, I am not sure who exactly is lying to me. F***, this is worse than I thought. If my suspicions are true, someone from my family conspired against me. Someone I trusted with everything lied to me and betrayed me. I divorced my wife and suffered the last three years because I trusted them. Now I might even lose her forever.

My breath gets stuck in my throat as I continue to watch the footage. As Amy stand in front of the door to our room, Sandro comes behind her. He starts touching her and Amy struggles to escape from him. She is tiny compared to him. He then drags her to the theatre room next door. We skip forward and about half an hour later, he comes out of the room adjusting his clothes. We again skip forward a couple of minutes and see Amy walking out of the theatre room and entering our room looking like a Zombie. Her dress is torn, hair a mess and makeup ruined. She looks battered and bruised. A rage like no other takes over me.

I dash out of the security room towards the banquet. As soon as I spot that son of a b***h, I punch him and break his nose. He falls down on the floor crying in pain. I continue to punch and kick him with every bit of strength in my body. I want to kill him with my bare hands for what he did to Amy. It takes ten people to hold me back. Even then I get free and kick him a couple of more times. The officers finally drag me from there and handcuff me. I don't care if I went to prison, I want to hurt that bastard. One of the officers leads me to the mansion while the other arrest Sandro.

After a couple of hours, the officers and forensic team leave the mansion collecting all the evidence and taking Sandro into their custody. All the chaos woke Pops and he is been with me since then. I pace the living room like a caged animal. There is so much anger in me that I might blow up any minute now. Elsa is the first to confront me.

"What the hell are you doing Ethan? You put my husband in jail", she screams.

I take a deep breath and tell myself Elsa did nothing wrong. She would be as devastated as me when she knows the truth.

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