Chapter - 13

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Author's notes:
Another chapter is here. Hope you love it. It's a long one. Next chapter will be a turning point in this book. I might post it in a couple of days. Please vote and share your views. I am welcome to criticism. So please let me know if you hate something.

Love you all

Ethan's POV:

The cool morning breeze blows away Amy's hair. I slowly lift my hand which was holding her to tug the stance of hair behind her ear. She snuggles closure seeking warmth still sleeping on my chest. I stayed awake all night. I couldn't sleep. After seeing Amy cry so hard, it was impossible to. There was a lot going on in my mind. I was trying to remember why we ended up separating. With Amy so close, all the reason seemed unimportant.

Amy stirs again and slowly wakes up. She sets her foot on the ground and immediately cries out in pain. I jump up and lift her foot easing her pain.

"Easy, there."

"It's fine. Thank you. No one came yesterday?"

"No, it's only a short trek. I will carry you.". It's only 6 o clock. We can reach there in an hour.

"What... I am heavy. You can't carry me all the way... You go. I will wait here"

"I am saying it again. I am not leaving you alone here", I say dismissing her idea. I don't wait for her to reply. I carry her bridal style and start walking through the forest to avoid going down the slopes of the rocky hills. It took more than an hour to reach the mansion. As soon as we enter, we see James, Greg, Mr Lockhart and a few of my cousins and staff are gathered together discussing something. James is the first to turn around and spot us.

"Amy, we were just coming to look for you. Are you alright?",  James says rushing towards us and trying to take Amy off my hands. I shrug away and take her to the nearby couch. F***, if I will let James lay a finger on Amy.

" What happened", Greg asks looking pissed.

"We went on a trek and Amy slipped on the hill. It started to rain so we took shelter under a tree.", I explain.

"Mr Lockhart can you call the on-call doctor and also bring in some coffee".

James somehow sneaks between me and Amy and starts removing her tennis shoes. That shealthy bastard is taking full advantage of the situation and I want to punch him. But I tighten my fists and let him help her. He must have helped a wounded soldier or two so I am assuming he knows what he is doing.

To my relief, soon the doctor arrives and checks her feet. It's a muscle strain and he ties a bandage around her feet and gives her some painkillers. Once the doctor leaves, I tell everyone to get back to their work, mainly to kick James out and stop him from gushing over Amy. Then I carry her to our room and help her to get changed. After having breakfast we both sleep for a few hours.

It's almost noon when there is a knock at the door. Amy is fast asleep next to me. I open the door to find Greg standing outside.

"We need to talk", he says looking even more pissed than he was in the morning. I slowly close the door behind me and we walk to the theatre room which is next to my room.

" Ethan, I told you bringing Amy here was a bad idea.", he says pacing.

"Nan is happy to see Amy. I actually think everything worked out fine", I say trying to reason with him.

" No. She already has you wrapped around her little finger. I can't believe this. You are falling in her trap again"

"I am not falling into any trap. I went with her yesterday because she doesn't know the island. And she hurt her leg so I am helping her.". Even as I say it I know I am lying. I am spending all the time with Amy because when I am around her it feels good. Even when we don't talk or do anything interesting, just being there makes me feel different. Truth is I didn't realize how much I missed her all these years. It was lonely.  Even now, knowing she is around, I feel warm and whole.

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