Chapter 5

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Author's Note:

Thanks reader. The proposition is finally here. Would you like a chapter on Ethan's pov. Please let me know.

Have a nice day.


Its Nan", Ethan says. There is a softness in his voice. Its the love for his Grandmother Ellis or Nan as Ethan calls her. Ethan's love for every one in his family was one of the many things that attracted me to him. During our initial dates, we would spend hours talking and so many of those where stories about every member of his family. I would laugh until my stomach hurt while he told me stories after stories about them, especially Grandma Ellis and Grandpa Will. They were funny and good people. They are very special to him and he respected them very much.

"Dementia. She has been suffering from memory loss for about an year now. A few weeks back, she had an episode which led to an anxiety attack. She had to be hospitalized for a few days"

"Oh! I am sorry. How is she doing now?", I asked. Its so sad to know about Ellis. Ellis and Will had welcomed me with open arms while others never gave me a chance. Maybe because Ellis was like me, she came from a simple family. Will meet her at wedding and fell for her hard. Against everyone's wish, he married her just like Ethan. But their love had withstood every storm and she won all hearts. She was my inspiration then. I always thought some day I could make them all love me. Someday they would accept me. My heart feels heavy for Ellis. She is a great person. She doesn't have to suffer.

"She is better now", Ethan says calmly like he forgot he hates me. My heart skips a beat hearing him. I had longed to hear this voice, this tone which was soft, loving even. The tone he used to whisper sweet nothings in my ears. Now hearing it makes me realize, I never stopped loving him. I was still hoping in us. But not anymore. Not after today.

Before I am pulled into the black hole of shame, Ethan speaks again.

"Its Pops 80th birthday. There is a party and a get together planned in the island next week. Nan doesn't remember our divorce. She thinks we are still married and she has been asking about you in every sunday gathering. I have been making excuses. But if we have a party and you don't show up, Pops is worried that Nan will get confused which might trigger another episode. So he wants to cancel it. We have convinced him for a family get together and his condition is that you join us. So I need you to pretend that we are married for a week. I will pay you for your time. 25000 dollars".

So this is the proportion. 25000 dollars for a week with a pack of wolves and hateful ex-husband. Previous Amy would have agree for such deals. But after living in poverty for so many months, I would like a breather and 25000 is huge amount. With it, I can pay for my mother's medical expenses for the whole year, which will allow me to start saving money for college and I don't have to work myself to death. Even though its enough to solve my immediate financial problems, I still have to go back to the bar. The thought of going back to the bar or my apartment is terrifying.

Also a week with Ethan's family is another nightmare. They never liked me. They were all born with a silver spoon. They were breed in richness and I am a scum in their eyes. I was never good enough for the golden boy in the family. They have taunted me, insulted me and treated me poorly every time I met them. It was always when Ethan was not around. They knew he wouldn't tolerate it. He may love his family dearly but he would never let them treat me less. But that was in the past. Now I don't know if he will do the same or I still have his support. Also, I am emotionally mess right now, I don't think I can handle any more humiliation physical or emotional.

There is also the time I will be spending with Ethan. I don't know how that will go. I still love him and a week of him showing his hatred freely will push me further into depression considering the current fragile state of my mind. The morning episode in the kitchen made me realize I am not right in my head. I need help. That kind of help will need money which I can't afford. But, this could be my only chance in finding out the answer to why he hates me. Why one day he lovingly kissed me and left with a promise to take me out for dinner and next day kicked me out of the house? If I knew why then I could get a closure. May be that will help me move on. I need to move on. If there was any possibility of us, it was robbed today. Ethan deserves someone better not a battered bruised crazy girl.

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