Chapter 11

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Authors Note:

Hi all thanks for your support. I posted early.. Yey. I hope you like this chapter. It has some adult stuffs. It's my first attempt in writing intimate scene, so please go easy on me. Please also comment if you liked it.

Please vote.. Love you all.

Ethan's POV:

The only word to describe lunch with Nan and Pops is awkward. It started out fine but only a few minutes in Nan wanted to know when we are planning to start a family. Amy was embarrassed which lead to her blushing furiously and Nan took it all wrong and decided it was me who is avoiding having kids. And Pops took this opportunity to say how I am always working. By the end of the meal which Amy and I barely touched, Nan made me promise to take Amy on a romantic vacation where we will spend time away from work and start the 'baby making process'.

After lunch, I left Amy in the room and joined my family at the beach. I have been avoiding them for a long time. So I was pounced on by the pack. Bad idea. Mom had brought her best friend Victoria's daughter Veronica who she has been trying to set me up with forever. Victoria is beautiful but I have known her since we were in diapers and I am not remotely attracted to her. She has all the quality that makes me want to run in the opposite direction. My dad, as usual, wanted to talk business which annoyed me. Greg wanted me to go jet ski with him. Elsa wanted to talk about Amy. Her dislike for Amy is not normal. She never gave Amy a chance. Genna, on the other hand, loved Amy. She was on Pops side and confronted me many times to talk to Amy. When I started avoiding her calls, she promised me to never bring up Amy again. Then there were my uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, niece and other guests. By the time I returned back to the room, I was exhausted.

When I enter the room, Amy is watching TV.

"Dinner is in an hour, you should get ready", I say unpacking my suitcase. Amy thinks over for a second and asks,

" Will Elise be there for dinner?"

"Nan and Pops will have their dinner in their suite"

"Then, I will get dinner in here as well."

"I don't think so, the kitchen is short staffed, come down for dinner."

"I am not hungry. I will skip", Amy says.

Amy has lost way too much weight from when we were married. She is a little better compared to when we met in the office two weeks ago. I don't want her to skip another meal and I don't understand why she is avoiding dinner.

" What is your problem with having dinner downstairs?"

Amy sighs and walks to the window.

"Your whole family will be there. I don't want to be there."


"Ethan, even when we were married they would say nasty things when you are not around. Now then have a free reign."

"Don't be ridiculous. My family may have not accepted at first but they never picked on you. And they know how to respect a guest. You are my guest And no one will say anything to you."

"Sometimes I think you see only what you want to see. Anyway, I don't want to come"

"You are here to do what I want you to do. And I am paying you for that. If I ask you to come to dinner, you put on one of the dress I am paying for and you come to dinner. End of discussion"

"Fine, I will come to this dinner and you can see for yourself how your family treat treats me", Amy says angrily.

After an hour we walk down the stair to the dining area. Amy is dressed in a floral dress. Her hair is down and she has minimal makeup. She looks beautiful but nervous. The tables are pulled together to seat 40 people. It's mostly my family. I think Pops friends have decided to dine in their room as well. I escort Amy to a seat next to Genna who seems happy to see Amy after many years. As soon as she takes the seat, they start chatting like old friends. Genna is an actress. Around the time of our wedding, she got a lead role in a vampire TV series which kept her busy, so she only met Amy a handful of time. The show became a super hit and it just filmed the end of season 4 giving Genna the much-needed vacation with family.

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