Chapter 6

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Author Notes:

Sorry for the delay. Work was busy and I was not able to write. I will past regularly henceforth.

, 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵


I watch the fragile frame of Amy leave the office. I was cruel than I intended to be. But looking at her nervous, fidgeting only made me angrier. She should stop the damsel in distress act. I am not falling for it this time. Last time, I  fell for her innocence, sweet smile and gorgeous body. But soon realized what an idiot I have been. This time I am prepared. I have years of hating her for playing me. The hatred fueled me to see right through her. What did she think that her unhealthy appearance and nervousness, would kick a protectiveness in me and I will rescue her from whatever story she would comeup with. Never again. I am not falling for her. Its only a week and I will stay as far away from her as possible.

I mentally berate myself for the momentary weakness, when I saw her chew those full lips. She always chewed her bottom lip whenever she was thinking and it drove me crazy. I remember the first time she did it, when I was checking in the hotel where she worked. She was looking at the monitor in front of her chewing her lips unconsciously trying to sort out a confusion in room allotment. As I watched her chew those cherry lips, I wanted to do the same, chew those lips with mine, the room be damned. I was so attracted to her that for the during the entire time of my stay, I went to reception for silly reasons so I could talk to her. It was totally out of character for me. I never had to work so hard to get anyone's attention and here I was infatuated with a girl who had no clue.

Even after I returned to San Francisco, I kept thinking about her. And when the next business trip to New York came, I was practically jumping like the kid in candy store. I booked the same hotel and this time I made sure I asked her out. She was nervous to go out with me. She tried to make every excuse in the book to get out of it. But I was relentless. I pursued her for weeks before she agreed. By the end of the date, as I finally tasted those hypnotic lips, I knew she was it for me. And looking at those lips again, drove me crazy momentarily. I wanted to taste those lips and take her on this very desk where we had done it so many times  divorce be damned.

But thanks to Amy and her gold digger self for stopping me from doing anything stupid. If it wasn't for Pop's insists I wouldn't have seen Amy's real face. She wanted 50 thousand dollars. Fine. I will make sure to insult her and shame her for every penny I pay. I will strip her off all her greed and manipulations. By end of the week, she would be so broken she would dare try to manipulate someone else.

Adrenaline coursed through me as I recalled every memory that I can use to torment her. My family will be more than happy to help me with my plans. Amy shouldn't have crossed me. She made the worst enemy out of me. And I don't take treachery lightly. Back when we divorced, I just wanted to forget she even existed. I just wanted her gone. Now after years Pops has given me the prefect setup for pay back. I will break her. I will make her get on her knees and beg me for forgiveness. Game on Amy. I will make sure I get my revenge.

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