Chapter - 22

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Authors Notes:
Sorry everyone for the delayed post. I have been held up with personal work. Henceforth, I will post regularly.

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Amy's POV:

Life wasn't easy after the verdicts. The case garnered so much attention in the media that I am constantly asked for interviews and articles. Some welfare associations wanted me to be their spokesperson or the least to promote their cause. I even got an offer to pen down my story. Truth be told, I just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to start my baking course, concentrate on my future and leave the past behind. But paparazzi had a different idea. They want me to spell out every little detail of my life. The fact that I was still living in Ethan's house didn't make it easy. Ethan was also swarmed with media attention for the support he gave me going against his family. Ethan becoming the new CEO of Harris & Co did not help matters. He tried everything in his power to divert the attention from us but it only brought more attention and finally, we had no other option but to wait it out.

After nearly three months later, the media has finally moved on. I started my Professional baking Course about a month back.  At last, discovering something I am natural at has changed my life. I have become more confident and happier. Also, I moved back to Kate's apartment much to the disappointment of Ethan. But he let me move on one condition to have my own personal bodyguard who followed me 24x7.  Initially, it felt weird to have Luke Mackenzie around but now we have become friends of sorts. He is a friend of James who retired from the army after serving for 20 years. He is very instinctive and never lets anyone near me.

After moving in with Kate, I was worried Ethan and I will become estranged again. But thanks to James who forced me and Kate to enrol for a self-defence program in the same gym where Ethan works out. All four of us have developed a routine of meeting at the gym every evening and going out for dinner. In the weekends, James and Ethan came over to eat my baked goodies or do anything we wanted. It annoys Kate that they hear all the time. But I like it when they are around. After being alone for so long, I like the company.

Today though both James and Ethan are busy. It's the first time since I moved, its just Kate and me. We are lounging around and having a girls night as Kate calls it.

"You remember the guest Pastry chef I told you about?", I ask Kate who is lying next to me and flipping pages of magazines.

"Kale. No.. Caleb right, the guy who owns the Breadsticks."

"Yea, he asked me out yesterday", I say trying to be nonchalant. Caleb Woods is a guest instructor at San Francisco Baking Institute who teaches us gluten-free baking every Friday. He also owns a famous bakery called Breadsticks in the Bay Area. I was shocked yesterday when he asked me out. It came out of nowhere. I have only spoken to him a couple of times and all of it was related to baking. I don't know how to get out of this situation. I am no way ready to date anyone. Though I have come a long way, I still have an issue. The most difficult one is my fear of touch. I still have panic attacks when touched which is no good for dating. Dr Karl has been helping me but I have only managed to shake hands or sit next to Kate. The very thought of being intimate with someone makes me want to throw up. So dating is not an option I am considering anytime soon. But Caleb is my teacher and saying no may cause some awkwardness between us.

"I knew this was coming sooner or later", she says looking at me with a wicked smile on her face.


"We brought you gingerbread last week after you told him you like it"

"He asked everyone what they liked and he brought gingerbread for everyone"

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