Chapter 28

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Author's Notes:

Hi..  lovely people. Thanks for the love you have shown for "Tough Love". So many beautiful comments. 

There is one more chapter remaining in "Fight for me" followed by a  epilogue. So do you want the last chapter and epilogue  to be posted at the same time ?Please let me know your preference. 

Please vote, comment and share. Love you all! 

Amy's POV:

I clutch the sheets and scream as Ethan makes me come. My orgasm triggers his and he thrusts three more times before he comes cursing. He falls next to me on the bed where I am still catching my breath from my intense orgasm. After Ethan's breathing is back to normal, I feel his lips on my shoulders. He places tiny kisses and asks,

"Did I go hard on you?"

I shake my head still panting. 

"ll be back in a moment" , he says and moves to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

I look at his naked back and wonder how did we get here. Two months ago, when we did it for the first time. I thought it will be a one time thing. But somehow we are now here like a couple having sex at the least four to five times a week. Initially, it was about getting over my fears. But, not any more. Somewhere down the line, it turned to passion and lust. 

Ethan crawls back to bed and pulls me to him. My back is pressed to his front and he is holds me close, I can feel this heart thudding in his chest. His nose runs on the column of my neck and I can't help the moan. I can't possible have more sex today, I am sore and exhausted from all the passionate sex. Yet his tiny kisses turn me on. Why am I suddenly so horny? For years I haven't had sex and didn't even have the sex drive but now its like a button is switched on and I am hot all the time.

I feel Ethan start moving his lower body with slow thrusts. I moan and shiver getting aroused by each thrust. 

"Amy... Are you free this weekend?", he asks nibbling on my earlobe. I try to think but this movements make me forget all coherent thoughts.

"No... I think", I moan.

"Go on a date with me", Ethan says and I freeze. Date..  I feel like a deer caught in the headlight. For the past two months if there is one thing I couldn't stop thinking about is, it is this. Where are we going with this.. whatever this is? Is this a temporary thing? Is it friends with benefit kind of thing? Is this something more than that? If it is, am I ready for it? 

Seeing me go still, Ethan turns me to lay on my back and supports himself on his elbow. 

"Amy, go  out with me this weekend", he says with his eyes piercing into mine. I stare at him as my mind runs miles per minute. Should I say yes? Should I say no? What is the right thing to do? 

If I say no, will he be offended. As promised, he is almost back to being the Ethan I knew from when we were married. He has toned down his display of guilt and apologies. He smiles more, talks freely and doesn't act like I am a delicate china. If I say no will he go back to being the Ethan who was miserable with his regret. 

What will happen If I say yes. Will we start dating again and then get married again? Do I want to go back there? If I am honest with myself, I would say the time with Ethan was the most happiest I have ever been. But it followed with the lot of hurt and pain. That scares me. The possibility that I can get hurt again.  

And what about everyone else. His family. James. Kate. The media. What will they say? How will our decision affect others? Especially, James. He knows about Ethan and I had sex. After the first time, I wanted to tell  someone. Kate was out of option since she still doesn't know about Ethan and me. So I met James the very next day for coffee. 

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