Chapter 18

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Author's Notes:
Another chapter is here. I will be busy, next couple of days. So I will most likely post the next chapter in the next week

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Amy's POV:

It's been a month since that awful day that changed my life. I stayed in the Hawaii hospital for a week before I was discharged. Kate, James and Ethan have been there with me since I woke up in the hospital. The first few days in the hospital was a blur. Kate said I was heavily sedated because my blood pressure was high. Then, I was given anti-depressant and sleeping pills which kept me numb and sleepy. After coming back to San Francisco, I was admitted to a mental health facility for a few days so they could conduct some psychoanalysis test. The test results said I was not a harm to self but I was suffering from PTSD. I was discharged with some anxiety medicines and an appointment with a therapist every day.

My therapist Dr Mary Karv has more than 16 years of experience in treating mental illness caused due to trauma and accidents. She is a strong woman with a no-nonsense attitude who was sexually abused when she was a child. She said she had suffered in her childhood not getting the necessary help and that is the reason she became a therapist to help others who are in a similar situation. Even though I attended the sessions regularly, I rarely spoke. I knew the whole purpose of therapy is to communicate my thoughts and feelings but I didn't want to talk. Speaking felt like a huge task and I was in relative peace when I was left alone. 

Kate didn't take well to my quietness. She is a person who can't stop talking so she couldn't understand why I was quiet or aloof. Whenever I didn't give her a reply her face would fall and she would go quiet herself, it bothered me. I felt like I was spreading my sorrow to her. It also troubled me that Kate, James and Ethan have to take additional responsibility for watching me 24*7. Ethan reduced James role in the office allowing him to monitor me most of the time. Ethan also worked from Kate's home and slept on the couch. Kate gave up the grand she received for her research so she could stay with me all the time. I felt like I was being a burden. Everyday seeing them make sacrifices for me made me feel awful. 

Two weeks ago, I got tired of feeling numb and drowsy from the anxiety medication and flushed it down the toilet. Up until then, I didn't have many nightmares. That night I had the worst nightmare. It felt so real. I could feel being dragged into the alley and raped, but this time they were both there and took turns to abuse me. It terrified me. When I woke up, I was in a dazed and felt like I had no control over my body. I walked to the kitchen like I was possessed and took out a knife. Luckily, Ethan was awake. He thought I came to drink some water and when he saw me taking out the knife, he jumped out of the couch and took the knife from my hand and threw it away. The sound of metal hitting the wall broke me out of my insanity. That night I saw Kate cry for the first time and I realized I have been acting selfishly. They were doing so many scarifies because they wanted me well and alive and instead of being grateful to them I was only causing them more stress. 

Next day, I enrolled myself in the residential mental health facility which Dr Karv recommended. In these two weeks, I can feel that I have made a lot of improvement. I was able to share my traumatic experience in the group counselling session. I don't have frequent nightmares anymore and even my medication has been reduced. My therapist says that I am recovering quickly because I want it for myself. Today I will be meeting Kate, James and Ethan after two weeks. It's my family day which is a part of the treatment where they call my family and let them know how I am doing. In these past few weeks, Kate and James have become my family. When I was told about the family day, I immediately thought of them.

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