Chapter - 20

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Author's Notes:
First of all, thank you, my lovely readers "Fight for You" has 1k+ reads.

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Amy's POV:

I look at the sunset from the floor to ceiling window in Ethan's penthouse. The breathtaking view of the sun changing colour and slowly swallowed by the Pacific is mesmerizing. Every evening since I moved into Ethan's house, we drink a cup of coffee watching the sunset. It's weird being here. I never imagined such a turn of event. With Kate in Geneva and James busy with his work, I know why this is the best option, yet it feels strange. It's not even the same house we used to live in. This is more lavish and extravagant with 6 bedrooms each with an en suite bathroom which is as big as my previous apartment, a fully equipped kitchen, private dining, high roof living room, in-house gym and an infinity pool.

I turn around and look at Ethan who is busy working on his laptop while holding the mug of coffee. From the non-stop ringing of his phone, it's impossible not to see how swamped he is. Yet he insists on working from home. I have offered to go along with him to his office even though stepping a foot at that place after last time rolls my stomach. But he says it's better if we stayed home for some more time. He is getting more and more paranoid every day.

I sigh and get back to work. I am temporarily working as Ethan's Personal Assistant and my main job is to write emails, make a summary of the meetings he has with clients and maintain his schedule. I had done the same job when we were married and it didn't take me any time to get up to speed. Though the job keeps me busy all day, it's not something I love doing. Before all this happened, when I was doing two jobs, I was hoping I will go back to college someday. Finance seemed like a logical choice with many possible jobs but I was more passionate about Early Education and baking.

Now I am inclined to baking. I have helped out in the kitchen when I lived in an orphanage. I also worked for a pastry chef during my high school. I love the smell of freshly baked bread and pastry. I had checked some baking programs then. I will have to do a search for programs that will be starting in the coming weeks. It's high time I start doing something with my life.

I look at Ethan who is browsing something on his iPad. I will have to borrow the iPad from him later since the office laptop Ethan gave me doesn't allow browsing external sites.
A while later, Ethan looked tense. He was gritting his teeth so hard, I thought he will break his jaws.

"Is everything okay?", I ask him and he immediately says everything is fine and leaves to make a call.

" Ethan, Can I use your", I start to ask him if I can use his iPad for some time but he interrupts me,

"Amy, you don't have to ask me every time you use something", he says in a hurry and disappears up the stairs.

Ethan is behaving strangely of late. He is tense all the time and gets strange phone calls to which he only replies in a word or two, or runs off to speak to whoever is on the other end. I can't help but assume the person on the other end is his fiance, Sandra Huffman. I can understand why she is not happy with this arrangement. If I was in her place, I will be upset as well. If a woman, nevertheless an ex-wife stays with my fiance for a long time, I will be worried as well. Though Ethan assured me everything is fine between them when I moved here, I can feel things are tense between them. I need to move back to Kate's spare room sooner.

But first, I need to find a job that will allow me to take baking courses as well. I am much better now and it's already been a week since I was released from the mental health facility. And, I can't have a chaperone for the rest of my life. Also, I have enough money now thanks to Ethan who gave me 50 thousand dollars though I haven't fulfilled the agreement. Apparently, My aunt never had cancer and was only lying to me to pay for her gambling and drinking. Ethan somehow managed to make her pay me back 30 thousand dollars which is probably about 1/4th of what I have spent on her. When I think about her sometimes I feel sad for not having a mother anymore even though she was not loving and sometimes I feel angry for being made a scapegoat for her know needs.

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