Chapter - 19

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Authors Notes:
Another Chapter is here. Hope you like this one. Please let me know your thoughts.

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Ethan's POV:

I drove like a madman through the streets of San Jose to reach Kate's apartment. When she called me about the break-in in her house, I had to leave an important business meeting with a potential investor. I have missed so much work in the past 2 months, it is starting to affect the entire company. But it doesn't matter, I have taken up the responsibility of protecting Amy and I will give up anything for it. I park my car in front of the apartment complex and run up to Kate's floor. She is sitting outside her apartment talking to the police officer. She looks calm, so much calmer than me.

"Are you alright?", I ask turning her around to see for any injuries.

" Oh My God, I am fine. I was not here. Will you stop touching me now? I knew I shouldn't have called you. You are paranoid."

"Stop being difficult and tell me what happened", I ask her.

"I came back from University and opened my apartment. It was thrashed. My sofa is torn, tv broke, everything is thrown everywhere. It's a mess."

"F**k, It must be Sandro" I curse.

"Do we need to investigate this Sandro person Madam", the old police officer asks Kate.

" No Officer, Ethan is just being paranoid", Kate says rolling her eyes.

She might think this is a random home invasion but I don't believe it for one second. The culprits came from the terrace entrance and directly went to her apartment. They were there for more than an hour and tore down the place. It's a message from Sandro. Even though James and I have kept quiet, we are in touch with the DA's office in Hawaii who are pressing charges on Sandro. Amy is against pressing charges. She is scared and I understand her reasons but I can't let it go. I need to make that bastard pay.

James was able to convince Amy to tell about her first attacker, Matt. We are pressing charges against him as well. 

I wanted Amy to get better before we went to court. Any time now the news will break in the media. Being criticized by the gossip mongers is not what Amy needs right now. So I have been using all my influence to keep the news under wrap. Sandro probably is doing the same. It will affect his business a lot of he is being sued. Most of the journalists are roaming around hotels and beaches in Hawaii to click celebrity pictures. Had it happened in San Francisco, it would have been the breaking news the very next morning. 

Today, James is in Hawaii to meet the DA and talk about the case. In the past month, our PI was able to collect a lot of evidence against Sandro and Matt. There were many rape cases reported against Sandro but was later retracted. I am sure he used his power and threatened the victims. The DA's office is very confident they will win the case. Only yesterday, Elsa came to visit me, asking me to drop the charges. When I didn't agree, she started her waterworks trying to emotionally blackmail me. I didn't budge so Sandro is threatening me by trying to hurt Kate. If anything happens to Kate, Amy will be scared and she will not come forward. With this attack, he has proved how dangerous he is.

I help Kate pack a bag to take her to my penthouse.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I will get the cleaning guys tomorrow and get everything replaced", I say as we drive to my place.

" You know you don't have to pay all our bills. I earn enough to buy my own things. And you had nothing to do with what happened", Kate says.

"Okay, Fine. I should probably ask you to pay rent, for staying at my place", I say. Kate and I have become kind of friends. Though she wouldn't admit it, I think she forgave me. She is like the annoying little sister who finds ways to trouble you. Both my sisters where always mature beyond their ages even when they were little. We never fought or played pranks like many siblings. We were always cordial but distant. Being around Kate, it's refreshing.

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