Chapter 29 - The End

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Authors Notes:

Hi all,

Thanks for all the love and support you have given me so far. I couldn't have come so far if not for your encouragement. I hope you will continue to show your love and support of my other book Tough Love. I also have a third book planned but will post after Tough Love is completed so there is no delay in updates.

Love you all

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James POV:

"I can't believe Amy would lie to me", Kate says pacing the living room of her apartment in Geneva. When Amy told me she wanted to talk to me and Kate about something important, I kind of knew what it would be and jumped on the next flight to Switzerland not wanting Kate to rain on Amy's parade.

" I told Amy not to tell you. She wanted to tell you from start", I say preparing myself for being yelled at.

"What? Why? Why would you do that?", Kate yells at me like I know she would.

"Coz you won't have let her get the help she needed knowing it's coming from Ethan's"

"Ya, he doesn't deserve it. He is the reason she was in the mess, to begin with", Kate says still holding on to the past.

"And Ethan knows that and he has gone over and beyond to earn her forgiveness. He could have simply tossed money and be done with. But he had helped her every step of the way from helping her get justice to helping her get over her fears. "

"You could have helped her get over her fears", Kate says

" Amy didn't want me, Kate. She wanted Ethan. She had wanted him from the beginning. If she wanted me, she would have come to me. But she didn't. She went to Ethan and I won't hold it against her. They have a connection between them which pulls them together. Amy jumps in his arms when she needs comfort and Ethan is ready to turn the world upside down to give Amy what she wants. She considers me a friend and I have come to terms with it. ", I try to explain hoping she will get it into her thick skull that won't let go of the fact that Amy and I are not happening.

"Really?", Kate raises her eyebrow sarcastically.

" I am seeing someone", I say trying to avoid her gaze.

"What?", she shouts again hurting my eardrums.

"She lives in my apartment. A single mom with an 8-year-old son, Troy. When Troy hurt his arm a couple of months ago, I helped them to the hospital. We started chatting and I took her out on dates a couple of times".

" Oh my God, why didn't you tell me?", she yells again. My sister is such a drama queen.

"It's new and I am not sure where we are going. She doesn't want some stranger in her house hurting her son.
There are too many cases of child abuse by boyfriends these days and I respect her for thinking about the child first. We are taking it slow and I didn't want you to get all excited"

"So you are over Amy?", Kate asks quietly.

"Don't you think I too deserve someone who loves me wholeheartedly. When I am making love to her, she is not thinking about someone else. She is with me 100% like I am with her", I ask and Kate mulls over what I said. After a few minutes, she sighs and moves close and hugs me tightly.

" Ya, you are right. You deserve to be someones, true love. I just wished it was Amy"

"Me too Katy. Me too", I say pulling her closer.

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