Chapter 17

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Author's Note:
Hope you like this Chapter. Please Comment and vote.

Love you all

James POV:
It was in the early hours of the morning when Ethan returned to the hospital. We almost lost Amy once more but was brought back when the doctors did CPR. I got a glimpse of her when was shifted to the critical care unit. She looked so weak and pale. It tore my heart to see her like that.

As I thought, it was that rich bastard Sandro who did this to Amy. I regret not killing him that day when he tried to kiss her. Ethan also told me about the evidence that can incriminate him and the arrest. Also, Ethan is correct that the shady asshole will try everything in his power to stay out of prison. He has many prominent men in his pockets. He had already applied for bail. But from my sources, we learnt evidence was properly filed.

Ethan has been the man on a mission since he arrived this morning. He had spoken to the local police department and arranged security to stand guard to Amy's room. He had also spoken with Dr Lee, letting her know that Amy is not safe. She has agreed to only let authorized people into Amy's ward. We have also discussed how to legally proceed the case and have hired a private detective to collect any evidence against Sandro that we can use when we go to court.

You can't be a millionaire if you aren't smart. Looking at Ethan putting everything on the line makes me wonder if he had only opened his eyes and realized his mistakes a little sooner all this could have been avoided. A part of me feels bad for him. From the time I started working for him, I have noticed how he loved everyone in his family. He was loyal and if there was any problem he was the first to step in and help them. Knowing his family betrayed him and are against him, must not be easy for him. But he seems to be determined to fight for Amy.

In the afternoon, Dr Lee told us that Amy vitals are improving and she will recover soon. Knowing Amy was out of danger was a great relief. I didn't realize I was so wound up until I heard her say Amy will regain her consciousness any time soon. I could finally breathe. While we were talking to the doctor, Kate reached and the first thing she did was throw a punch on Ethan. Dr Lee was understanding and didn't call security. I had to drag her away from Ethan as she would stop attacking or shouting explicit at him.

I had only told Kate that Amy tried to kill herself. When she learnt about the rape, she was heartbroken to see her friend suffer again. Kate and Amy have become close friends in a short time. Kate is very protective by nature and learning about all struggles Amy went through Kate took her under her wings and has been helping her. Before coming to Lanai, Amy was returning to normal and now being attacked again I am worried what will be going through Amy's mind when she wakes up.

As time passed, Kate stopped being difficult to Ethan. She didn't forgive him. Truth be told, I too can't forgive Ethan. He didn't harm her but he did break her mentally, pushing her to take such a drastic step. I only hope Amy doesn't forgive Ethan easily as well.

In the evening, Dr Lee allowed us to wait in Amy's room. Kate has been at Amy's bedside talking to her about random things hoping that will help Amy wake up. Ethan is fast asleep on a chair in the corner. I can't help look anywhere else but at Amy. She looks small and blue. She looks much younger than her 24 years self. That is when I see it, a small movement. I walk to the bedside and Amy's eyes flutter open. It roams around the room in confusion.

"Oh My God, Amy. You are awake.", Kate gushes over her.

" Where am I?", Amy asks her voice hoarse.

"You are in a hospital. You are fine Amy. We got you", I say. Dr Lee steps on the other side of the bed with Ethan on her side.

"How are you feeling?" Dr Lee asks checking Amy's vitals.

"Tired. Why am I here?"

"What is the last thing you remember?", Dr Lee asks her. Amy thinks for a second and slowly tears start falling from her eyes.

"Sandro. He. He", Amy starts sobbing. Kate holds her asking her to calm down.

" Shhh. It's alright sweetie. Everything is fine. Shhh..", Kate continues to coo while Amy continues to cry. It was heartbreaking to see Amy cry, everyone, even Dr Lee eyes were wet. Soon she exhausted herself to sleep.

It was in the middle of the night, I heard whispering. I became alter and my first thought was someone was there to attack Amy. When I listening carefully, it's a woman's voice. I get up from the makeshift bed I made for myself in the corner. Kate was outside in the waiting room and Ethan was sleeping in the other corner. It was Amy whispering in her sleep. I went near her and shook her shoulders to wake her up. She opened her eyes and shouted at the top of her lungs. She was terrified and pushed me away and jumped out of the bed ripping off the blood transfusion bandage and pushing everything on the bedside take.  She ran to the door when she saw Ethan she turned around trying to escape. When she didn't find any, she backed up begging us,

"No, please. No.. Let me go.."

Her back hit the wall and she slid down to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest trembling. The nurse and Kate rushed in. As soon as Amy saw Kate, she threw her arms around Kate and hugged her. Amy was hysterical and struggled to breathe. She was in no state to listen to the nurse who was trying to help her through the panic attack. Before Dr Lee could come, Amy fainted in Kate's arms.

For a minute all of us stood frozen. Everything happened so fast it took us some time to react. Ethan recovered quicker and lifted Amy and carried her to the bed. Soon Dr Lee joined and gave her some injections. Ethan left the room and I followed him out to get some fresh air. He walked like the devil was on his heels. I rushed after him and saw him punch the wall outside the hospital. When he went to punch again, I restrained him. It took all my strength to calm him down.

"Will you calm down? ", I yell

"It kills me to know she is like this because of me. I did this to her.", he roars in anguish. I don't think he realizes that tears are flowing freely. Even though I want to agree with him and want to throw a couple of punches, I stay put as he seems to be beating himself up just fine. He drops down on the floor defeated and breaks down. I give him some space and when he composes himself, I say

" If you are done here, we should go and talk to Dr Lee".

Ethan nods and we go inside and meet Dr Lee

"Amy has been through a traumatic event. It will take some time to get over it. Physical wounds will heal quicker than mental ones. We will keep her sedated for a couple of days to avoid incidents like now. Her blood pressure shot up and it's not good in her condition."

I have seen a few Navy Seals suffer from PTSD. Amy will need months of physiotherapy and medication. I realize Amy's struggle is not yet over. 

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