Chapter 4

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Author's Notes:

Thanks everyone for reading and voting. Hope you like the new chapter. Please vote and comment.

I am dedicating this chapter to LightGoddess13,
A new reader who has voted for the book. Thank you..

Next chapter: 80 reads


I pass out as soon as we leave the parking lot. I stay about an hour and an half away from Bay area where Ethan's office and house is located. After I left Ethan's, I was wasting away my savings in hotel rooms near our home, hoping to run into him or hoping to find out what went wrong. Then I moved away so I could afford the rent. Ones the divorce was settled, I had no clue where I should go. My mom had ditched me as soon as she knew that Ethan was not going to pay me a penny. I didn't have anyone in New York and the very thought of going back made me sick. So I moved away far away from the city where the rent was affordable and I could find a job. I had this fantasy that one day Ethan would come looking for me and I had to stay close enough for him. He did come for me finally. I don't know how to feel about this.

I feel someone touch me. I jolt out of sleep and push away to the other side, terrified

"Sorry, Ms. Green. I didn't mean to scare you", The chauffeur says quickly. He looks worried at my reaction.

"Sorry.... Just a bad dream", I say trying to lighten the mood. He nods and points to the multistorey building to my left.

"We are here, Miss".

I ask him to give me a second while I straighten my clothes and step out of the car. I look at my reflection in the window. Its a disaster. My hair is a birds nest. All the makeup gone. I look like I just got out of bed, which is technically true. But I can't go meet Ethan looking like this. Though I always want to look pretty for him, today its more than feeling beautiful. I need to look decent to hide everything else that's going on. I might be a basket case inside, but I don't want him to know that. I have a strong need to hide behind something, anything so he doesn't see me for what I am right now, and makeup is the only option I can think of.

As the chauffeur escorts me into the office building, I ask him if I can freshen up. He takes me down the hall to the women's restroom. I step in front of the mirror and try to make myself presentable. When I apply my lipstick, few ladies walk in. I recognize one of them. I think I teamed up with her while playing a game during the company's annual day event when Ethan and I were married. I don't remember her name but I smile. She looks stunned and takes a minute to recollect. I know she recognize me but she looks away ignoring me and hustles everyone out. I am taken aback. I have spent so many hours in this office. I knew many who worked here then. I did not expect friendly hellos or chats. I expected an awkward smile or a slight nod but this don't avoidance makes me nervous.

I slip out the restroom and,
the chauffeur, escorts me to the elevator. I can feel many eyes on me. I feel like their scrutiny and feel uneasy. I feel like they can see my bruises and shame. I pull the Cardigan and hug myself as I rush behind him. I breathe free as we ride to the 30th floor of the building where Ethan's office located. To calm myself down I talk to the chauffeur. He introduced himself as James, the head of security and not a chauffeur. I apologize for thinking he is a chauffeur but he says it's fine.

When we step out of the elevator, we turn left which leads to Ethan's office. James walks me to Elizabeth's desk which is outside Ethan's office. Elizabeth has been Ethan's Personal Assistant from the initiation of the company. Ethan first introduced me to her in New York when we first started dating. We had become quick friends. She had been my pillar when I moved here. Even when we were preparing for the wedding, she helped me find my wedding dress, gashing over how pretty I looked in it.

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