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Ethan's POV:

I step out of the private jet that carried me back home from Japan where I have been toiling for the past two weeks to get a deal finalized. Its the longest I have been away from home and Amy. I usually drag her with me or make sure I come home as quickly as possible. Sleeping in a bed without her soft body pressed to me is a torment of a different level.

I hurry to the town car waiting for me to take me home and urge the chauffeur to drive as fast as he could. As we rush home, I remember how much life has changed in the past few years since Amy agreed to marry me. Three months after the proposal, Amy and I got married in Australia in a lavender field which happens to be Amy's favourite flower. The wedding was attended by James, Kate, Annie and a few of my close friends. Pops couldn't make it because Nans condition had worsened. But he gave us his blessings.

After a beautiful wedding which I made sure was everything, Amy wanted, we went for our honeymoon to Tasmania where we spent a month both exploring the length and breadth of the terrain and our bodies.

After we got back, I set up a charity program for Amy which would provide accommodation for women who don't have enough money to pay rent. They can stay in a shared documentary in exchange for a few hours of work according to their skill set. The program is close to Amy's heart since she had to work so many hours just to have a roof over her head when we were divorced. This program helped women not to worry about being on the streets while they saved money for whatever they were saving for. The program got a lot of acceptance and we were able to expand to a number of cities with the help of funds many rich folks donated. As with every charity program, there are some who try to take advantage of it and every day we are making amends to accommodate the women in need.

In addition to the charity Amy also set up a bakery that sells freshly baked goods in the ground floor of Harris Towers. Even though it's a small business, it brings Amy great joy that she makes her own money and economical independent.

There is one thing that's bothering Amy even though she tries to hide it from me, it's that she is not able to get pregnant. Every time she gets her period, her face falls and she looks defeated. I have taken her to the best doctors who say there is nothing wrong with either of us and we just have to wait for it to happen. If only I could do something about it.

The car pulls in front of my apartment and I check my watch to see that the chauffeur has brought home in 45 mins, 15 mins less than the usual 1-hour ride. I tip him an extra 100 and rush to the private elevator that takes me to the penthouse.

As I step into the living room, I am stunned by the sight of Amy in strappy lingerie that covers her body but leaving all her privates naked. Her smokey eyes, red lipstick and pointed heels make her look like a seductress who could tempt the Pope himself. I curse as I feel my hard-on press against my zipper. The woman can make me hard in nanoseconds.

I dump everything I hold on the nearest furniture which I have no clue what is and tread to her in five long strikes. I pull her to me and fuse our lips kissing her with the passion of a thirsty man who found water. My hands automatically explore her curves as she moans and groans into my mouth. I lift her and wrap her legs around my waist without breaking the kiss.

I carry her to our bedroom because we need a bed for what I have planned for her. Amy stops me midway, pulling away from my lips. She is breathless and by the time she catches her breath, we are at the entrance of the bedroom. She opens her arms and holds on to the door frames tightly preventing me from entering the room.

"There better be room good reason for stopping me now coz I am this close from cumming on your stomach", I choke out the words.

" Happy Birthday Eth.. ", she says giving a quick kiss on my lips.

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