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Authors note:
I didn't want to drag the legal proceedings. So I have tried to sum up Amy's fight for justice in this chapter. From the next chapter, it will move in a different direction. Hope you like this one.

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Ethan's POV:

In the early hours of the morning, my phone rings. I jump out of bed immediately when I hear the ringtone I set when Amy is distressed. The noise sensitivity detector near Amy alters me when the noise level crosses a certain amount. If she has a nightmare and starts panicking, the noise created from the rustling of bedsheets and movement increases the noise level which alters me with a phone call. When Amy moved in I didn't want her to suffer the nightmare alone or try something when she is depressed. This simple technology is very useful to keep an eye on Amy while giving her privacy.

I rush to her room and see Amy murmuring in her sleep. I know she is having a nightmare and soon she will scream and then the panic attack will start. I shook her shoulder and woke her up so she won't get to the worse part of her nightmare. But as soon as she woke up in her dazed state she thought I was her attacker and pushed herself off the mattress and moved back to the far end of the bed pulling her knees to her chest and, whispering and begging to let her go. I stay still for her to calm down. It's been a long time since she had a nightmare. Not since she came back here. She exhausts herself with office work, cleaning and workout that she is too tired when she goes to bed. It's heartbreaking to look at Amy so scared and fragile after she has worked so hard to get better. Though I know it's not a setback, just an incident which is probably caused because of all the stories she read about the other victims. It's still hard to see her struggle. And when she struggles I want to cut those two bastards into pieces. I might have convinced Amy with the emails from the anonymous but my reason to put Sandro in prison is personal.

Amy rocks front and back trying to calm herself. I wait near the foot of the bed giving her the space she needs and not frightening her further. When she stops rocking and rests her head on her knees staring out at the sky, I slowly approach her and lie next to her. I know she doesn't like to be touched but she looks exhausted so I pull her to lie with me. Bonelessly she falls on me.

"Are you okay?", I ask her softly.

" hmmm" she hums

"Do you want to talk about it", I say and give her time while I continue to stroke her hair.

"Someone pushed me in a dark room... It was not empty... So many women... Mostly young... couldn't see their face... But hear their cries... Their struggle... Sandra was there... Hurting them... It was barbaric... He was coming after me... But you woke me up... Thank you", she says every word filled with misery and sadness. I pull her closer and held her tight.

" You read all the emails. Could be an effect of that?"

"Felt so real", she says as a tear rolls down her eye and falls on me.

"Just a nightmare, Amy. Everything will be fine"

"I am scared, Ethan.", she whispers.

" Don't be sweetheart, I won't let anything happen to you. Don't think about Sandro or the emails. I will deal with everything. You just have to appear in court and answer some questions.", I say softly. She stays quiet for a long time and says.


Soon she falls asleep in my arms. I hold her and cherish the moment because I don't know if I will ever get another chance to hold her.


Like promised, James and I kept Amy out of the loop regarding the case. For the past three months, we helped the DA file a charge sheet, submit evidence and set a date in court for the hearing. Sandro did everything in his power to sabotage our attempts but thanks to my Pops who pulled out some big guns to help us move forward. After my parents, Greg and Elsa knew Pops decision regarding the will and CEO, they flipped. They went online to call Amy names, to accuse my Pops of favouritism and openly support Sandro. If there was any way we could have reconciled our relationship, it was all gone when they went ahead and lied to the media about Amy.

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