The test

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I was at the meeting spot at 7:00 a.m. I was the first person, because I can not sleep at night after the night my clan was killed, ss I train by myself on wind and fire styles. I was ready for what Guy sensei has in store for us. I have my twin fans for once and my ninja tools. Then Neji walk in 20 min later and told him hi all I got back was a hn. Lee walk up saided his hello, Tenten come, and stand next to me. Kanji are you ok you look like you have sleep in years, because I get for 4 hour of sleep a night. Then a poof like the teleportation jutsu, and Guy sensei was there. Let go my youth students to the training grounds.

At the training grounds Guy sensei started talking to us if you can beat me you pass as a genin on team Guy. We just stood there I was first to make a move that said Taijutsu only no Ninjutsu or  Genjutsu Kanji Uchiha ok than you ask for it then I ran at him but he out of the way; you are fast Kanji Guy sensei told me then hit me back and hit the ground hard. What the hell he move away from the speed jutus, but how did he do it? Then I got back up come back at him, and started a wind kick at same time he did that pull us both back as they hit each other. I kept coming at him, but the same thing happen each time I try something; I have think how he can keep use all back, and why he doesn't want me and only me to not use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu before it is to late. Then it hit me that we need to work together, or why would they put us on a team should I tell them or hold on a little before I say something. Then Guy sensei started to talk. Come on you give up all ready? Lee shout I would never give up on my dream to become a ninja with out Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. Neji said it was never going to happen and that it would never; Tenten just said she wouldn't it. I was going to give up after I come this far I can't stop here. Guy sensei said hit me with what you got then. We all walk to because of our weak state it did not hurt him bad. You all pass youth students, Guy sensei hugged. Ok Guy sensei let me go or I will burn you. We will have a mission. I know it is D rank mission Guy sensei. How did you know Kanji? My ex older bother.

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