The Preliminaries

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Kanji P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                                  Kanji lets go we are going to get that curse mark stealed for it gets to much power and it takes over you Kin sensei said ok but we better be back for my fight I told her. Oh what you think I waste my time in training and not have you become a chunin Kanji she said to me. No I said to her. We walked to a room and she said this going to hurt a lot Kanji so you yelled at me if you want ok she ask? Yes I said. Now take your shirt off and sit in the middle of the stealing jutus and I do it. Ok Kanji are you ready for this she ask? Yes was ready to make sure that anything to spot the curse mark to keep it in check I would do I told her. Ok 1..2..3 and now curse stealing jutus she yelled out then all of the power of it was so strong mostly it is stronger than my physical strenght it hurt so bad I was yelling out in pain, and it stopped and I fall. Mmmm you are strong Kanji you did not pass out like I thought you would she told me that someone come from the darkness. Orochimaru said Kin sensei. Oh please you think that stealing jutus is going to keep the new curse mark in check Kin you are but not that good I come to tell Kanji what I told her still stands I would take it Kanji plus you heal faster that Lady Tsunade and if you learn under me you could become the strongest person in the world he told me. I will see you around Kin and Kanji he said before leave us there. Kanji what he said is not true I can get you more stronger Kin sensei told me. Let go back before people start trying to get facts about you she said to me. Yeah I told her a team from the Sand village wants to kill me I told her. I see she said to me. Kanji do not use chakra in this fight do think that would be ok Kanji she ask me as long as I can take off the weights on my arms and legs that Guy sensei has me wear to slow me and stop strenght from power I said to her ok than Kanji will do she said to me. It was my fight and I was ready. Kanji Uchiha vs Aimi windheart said the proctored. Are you 2 ready he ask us we both said yes at the same time. Now begin he said to us. If I was you I would make the first move Aimi or you are going to have a handful to deal with I told her. You Uchiha all the same but you do not beat me in looking pretty like the other Uchiha would if they were not killed by your brother Itachi right she asked me. I did not answer her I just jump up and tried I get right in front of her but the wind push me back and fall to the ground.

Guy sensei P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                     What did you do Kin why is she not using chakra when she has steal on her arms and legs I ask, and keep on looking at the macht. What is she thinking Kanji could get kill is Kin take it as a life and dead macht I thought to myself. What are you waiting for I ask her.

Kin sensei P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                      Guy do not say a word remove the weights Kanji I told her and everybody wait for the crash to the floor. Why did you told her to do that she is to strong and fast she can kill everybody in here Guy yelled in my ear and Kakashi just looked at like would you to be quite. Guy you have nothing to worry about she at 20% of strenght in her arms and the 30% of speed I told him and now quite and see what Kanji can do without chakra I said to him. Come on Kanji it is your time to show the world what you can everybody in the room is eyes are on you I thought to myself.

Neji P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                                   Kanji why are you not using chakra is because I told you that I wish you were die I thought to myself. Wait where did she go did she not take off the weights that I saw her she is use the weights as a weapon that can not be she more stronger that me dose she have the strength and speed to beat me or not is it just a act of this I thought to myself. I know she will not love someone that is not as strong as her and if she marry me she would never take the Huyga as her last name I thought to myself.

Kanji P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                                 I got up and remove the blood off my lip nice hit I told her. Oh you think that it would not hurt Kanji she asked me. I take off the weights around my arms and legs and come at her I started to use the weights as a weapon at her. She started sending wind at me again I jumped up to miss the wind and it worked and threw the weights at her and it hit her on the spot and then I was on the ground. The win is Kanji Uchiha said the proctored. Ok Anko get them a number said the hokage to her. I will give you a number she told us and now tell me your number everybody said them number then it can to me it is not a number I told her. Oh yeah that is because you will be fighting a chunin she told me. Ok I said to her. The finals is next month that you will be fight who you got so train hard the Hokage said.

Oh how is Kanji going to keep that cruse mark in control of it or will it take over her and will Neji and her become friend or will Kanji kill him find out in friend or not.

Hyuga vs Uchiha Neji x KanjiWhere stories live. Discover now