The Wind user is mad

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Kanji's P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                             Lin is make me so mad if she is not fight I will not to wait I will make go all out now. ok, Lin I oh you like me pulling a you just stand like you I said. It is my turn Kanji be right that Water style water cage jutus Lin said smiling like a fool. Then water like chains come around me, and jump away in time. Wind style push winds she is doing a anther move ok wind style wind turn around  I said I hit my mark. How did it do more that this to do the other person Kanji she said mad. It is the (wind turn around) it make it 2 time the power of it make all the I use to push it back at you. I get Kanji I would of thought you get stronger Kanji your going to make this fun are you lets see what else you can shall we. I will not lose Lin I told Neji I will win so you got to lose Lin I said. No, you are not smart are you Kanji you can not when someone likes you can you Kanji? Lets see who dose like you over year Kenji oh yhea Neji Huga she said with a smile. I would stop and fight if I was you. I shout Fire style phoenix flames jutus, and she made it come back at me how is she do it. How what are you do it Lin. Oh Kanji it looks like I got stronger than and your mad at me because you are not the strongest one that is why you killed Kenji is it Kanji she said. That is not true at all is not so stop I shout at her. I will not stop it she shout back at me. You know the things Kenji you about Neji is not ture like him using you it is not true all of it Lin said. He just want you to stay away from he because he likes more that he would she said laughing at me, and that was it she is a die woman walking. Oh yeah Neji Huyga he is cute maybe I will date, because you do not know what love is because you rise yourself as boy not as girl like you should of not training to kill Itachi how not lady like Lady Kanji and is smile and laughing at me. That fight me like a man would not you are a big cry baby girl you are Lin I said in to. That is it Lady Kanji you die today she said. I thought I was a boy not a girl I shout out as she was throughter stuff at me. You die now Kanji she was in front as me as Speed Style Leg Hiter. We going at each other and the hits on are become a fight for life or dead, but we both when in the air, hit each other, blood dropping from both of us, and end up fall to the ground that everything was black from there.

Neji P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                                 It has been 10 hours after I ran to the leaf without her, Kanji has not show up yet, and I am at the gate the good thing is her young bother Sasuke is not there, but Lee, Tenten, Guy sensei, and the third hokage is there I thought in my head. Neji, where is Kanji said the third hokage? Yeah where she yelled Lee and Guy sensei. Tenten stand there looking at with hearts in her eyes. She told me to let her fight some person who was flowing us I said clam, but I think the hokage see my worry in my eyes.  Do you know have strong is the person she fight said the hokage. The person had a lot of chakra and knew Kanji a lot of her past I said. I see the hokage said. I will send a lot of ninja looking for her, but can said she is the strongest genin I have ever seen she acts like a boy but deep down she is a girl at heart dose not know what love is the hokage said about. I think she is fine but it would be good if you go Guy and other free ninja said the hokage. Yes, Lord Hokage said Guy sensei losing his happy look on has face. What is going on do they know who it is I thought?

What is going on dose the hokage and Guy sensei know who it is we will see in The search for Kanji Uchiha.

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