Ok What!!!

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Last time: Neji walked in Tenten and Kanji's room and saw Renji touching Kanji's arm and her neck then saw Neji and walk away.

Neji P.O.V
I just stand there after Renji walked away and I saw Kanji started to kick and hit like she was fighting someone. Hey Kanji you all right I told her qu-itely and then I put mine hand on her arm lightly as she opened one eye. Ne-ji she asked me and then I told her to go to sleep. I can not Neji she said to me and then I looked at her as I was about to walk away then she was st-anding up and was getting her normal clothes. No Kanji just go back to sleep I told her and she she looked me die in the eyes. No I do not think I will she told me about to walk paat me but I grabed her arm. What do you think you are doing I am the leaded of this mission do you really think I will li-sten to a genin like you when I am a chunin she asked me pull her arm a-way from me. Kanji know I can told L-ady Tsunade I told her and then she just pushed me down then walked away. Kanji I yelled at her but she was gonna.

Kanji P.O.V
What dose Neji think he is king of the world I asked myself as I was by the door I felt charka it was strong charka to. I got out mine twin fans and wa-lked out and the to the charka I felt as I got there I saw 5 ninja there and th-ey are talking to one other but I can not hear them or see them.

? P.O.V
We need to kill the girl that Renji's m-arrying the leader said to them all. Yes we do one said to him. Hey I feel other charkas close to us one told us all.

Kanji P.O.V
I felt Neji coming mine way and I saw him so I walked quitely to him. Neji come with me I told him quitely in his ear. What he said quitely back to as I walked to where I saw the 5 ninja. Th-en we hided in the connor of the wall. What do we do I asked him and he sa-id we need to get closer to them. Why do I have a bad feeling about this I thought in mine head as we got closer to them on to get a paper bomb thr-owed at us and we when flying in the air and landed on the ground hard. L-ook who we found the girl he is mar-rying is the last Uchiha girl one said with a smile on the guy's face then I was trying to get to mine twin fans but they was not there. What no f-ighting spirt in those and is why they have Guy as a teacher one said and that was it you can call Guy sensei funny and dum at times but you do not said teach us weak. I got up and saw Neji out like a light. Ok it is up to me I thought as I made the hand sign for the fire ball jutsu and then I yelled Fire Style Fire Ball Jutus and the fire ball come at them. As the smoke cl-eared up they are not there I yelled out as I felt the wind pick up speed and it started to cut mine skin and I l-ook around sure they was gonna but they will be back then I saw mine tw-in fan in a tree and I grabbed them and went to Neji. I got there to where he was and I tried healing so he would get up but itdid not work that I know he would under a genjutus so they know Neji was the leader. So they kn-ow the mission and that means me and Tenten has to come up with a plan because Lady Tsunade is the only to get out of the genjutsu so we have get this mission done fast or that co-uld all of us like this. I got to our and door and opened it and put Neji on the bed then pick up Tenten and sh-ook her so she would get up then she did then saw Neji on the bed. Why is Neji on the bed she asked me. Because he is under a genjutus and I tried to get him out of it and it did not work so we are going to marry Renji to me torrowom so we can get Neji back to the village. Ok she said and we walked out of the room and knock on Renji's door and it in sec. Hey Kanji and Ten-ten what do you to want he ask us. Ne-ji would the marry thing be done to-day I said that becuase it is now 12 a.m. Ok what os this about he asked us looking between us. Oh becuase we had some thing that came up last min-ute you know I told him but Tenten looked like we need to tell him. Um we should be going now I said grab-bing her hand and dragged her. Hey what is worry Kanji she asked me and I just said get your stuff we need to get out of here I said running to Neji's room and got his then back to our room and got mine and saw Tenten with hers. Lets go I said pick up and we jumped out the window and ran out of town then I felt charka coming close to us. Hey Kanji why are we running she asked me. Renji is leader of the 5 ninja Neji and I saw and I think Neji know that and that is why they put him under the Genjutsu and not me and they are hot on us.

They I hope you like this so far and there will Saskue's mission to bring him back the village after this mission.

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