Author's Note

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Welcome to "Fly Away"

This is the first book that I've ever completed, so please don't leave any mean comments. I know it's not that great, but I tried my best and learned a lot about writing along the way.

This book is currently being edited/revised/rewritten, so I highly suggest you read that version when it comes out. 

***Note: The edited version is now published and being updated at least 3 times a week. The plot is pretty much the same as this version, but the characters have been better developed/improved***

If you don't mind reading a very rough rough draft, keep reading I guess :')

Some stuff you should know:

-This story is COPYRIGHTED, so do not plagiarize. 

-Some content may be triggering to those with self harm addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, etc. I'd advise you to not read this if you suffer from the listed for the sake of your mental health.

-This story is kind of cliche. If you LIVE for that stuff (like me) keep reading hehehehe

Hope you enjoy!


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