Anpanman (Part 2)

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It's been a week since that incident happened. There's still no news of the gangsters being captured. At the first few days after the incident, Jimin didn't like sleeping alone, thinking that the guys will kidnapped him on his sleep.

The others are kind enough to sleep with him. For this week, he can sleep alone, assure that his safety is controlled by the members.

He also scared to stay outside by himself, let alone going to the nearest store, unless someone else was with him.

Tae was also the same in the same situation, except that he were less scared than Jimin. In fact, he even slept with Jimin.

It's 12:00a.m. and everyone is falling asleep as so do Jimin. Tonight is exceptional as he sleeping alone, without the usual Tae on his side. He doesn't mind that, besides there's nothing he had to worry about.

He stir awake from his deep slumber when he heard a click on his window. He was now wide awake, feeling a sudden cold at the moment. As he rubbed the sleepiness away, from his peripheral, he saw that his window open wide. Before he even stand up to close it, he saw a figure outside of his window.

'Weird, it's a double-story house, why would someone on this floor' he thought to himself.

That's when it hits him. Someone, trying to, no.. sneaking into his room. He, without a doubt, screaming for help, hoping one of his members wake up hearing his screaming. The person shown panic, cupping his mouth, causing muffle heard.

Tears drop to his cheek, he tries to push the person away;a man as the moonlight shines this guy face. He seems familiar to him. Both his hand was pinned on his upper head by his other hand, while his lower body being pressed by the guy.

Jin heard the scream, so he abruptly waking up, ignoring the whine from a sleeping Yoongi. He knows that voice. He rushed to the second floor, grabbing a vase;for safety purposes on his way to the stairs and he jogged straight away to the room. He was met with worried faces of others as they together running to the particular room.

He burst to the door, shock on his face as he saw the scene right on his sight.

There, Jimin who almost naked with an unfamiliar man on his body with his lower body too fully naked. Without thinking, he threw the vase on that man's head, causing him to drop down on the floor, moaning in pain.

Jimin, still daze of the surrounding, screaming and hysterically cupping both his ears, legs bend over his chest, leaning on the head of the bed.

Jin approach him slowly, trying to pry his hand, but to no use. Jimin is his priority this moment. He cup his face, making the boy face him. The lump of his stomach churn seeing his dongsaeng in such state.

"Jimin, hear my voice. It's me, Jin hyung. Take a deep breath, deep breath. You're okay, you're okay. I'm here" Jin repeat the word with Jimin coping the action.

Jimin follow the voice, feeling familiarity and home on that voice. He slowly opened his eyes. There, he saw Jin, looking at him, worried pry on his face.

Jin, seeing the eyes, bringing the boys to his arms, hugging him tightly, whispering 'I'm here' repeatedly and 'shush' on his ears. He's a sobbing mess, his head on the eldest chest. He tightly wrapped his arms on hyung torso, never let him go.

If his hyung were too late to come, he might get.. He doesn't wanna think of the outcome that might happen if they are late for a minute.

Namjoon who just called the cops went inside the house. He as a leader had to keep calm although deep inside of him he was burn in anger.

On any occasional day, Jin will against his other members to get violence. Today is exceptional, seeing how that bastard deserves it. Jungkook tied him on the chair. Yoongi passing back and forth, calming his anger. Tae in a verge of crying with hobi calming him. Namjoon hands formed into fists.

Jin signal Namjoon to get some decent clothes for Jimin seeing how his current cloth are in a bad condition. Namjoon help to holding Jimin while Jin change his clothes.

Jimin doesn't have energy to do anything. He just let the eldest change him. He feels a brush on his arm that calm him a little.

Police comes 10 minutes later arresting the already beaten up culprit while Jimin was brought to the hospital with Jin by his side. The others follow by using Jin's car.

Namjoon know there will be questions from their agency but he let that be, thinking Jimin is more important than that.

They all stayed at Jimin's ward room. The man didn't do that 'thing' to him, except for some bruises on his face, wrists, and tights. The sight made them hurt. Taetae sat beside him, occasionally rubbing the boy's hand. A couple tears drop on his cheek, unbothered to wipe it away.

Namjoon and Yoongi standing not far from the bed, the others sitting on the couch provided, waiting for him to wake up.

Jimin try to open his eyes but he feel the heaviness. He pry it open again, but close it back to the brightness of the light. His eyes wander everywhere, unfamiliar with the surroundings. He doesn't know where he is. His eyes burn in tears, thinking the other are leaving him alone.

Tae who saw his state caress his cheek. Jin walk to the side and hold his other hand. "hey, don't cry. You're at the hospital. We are all here for you" Jin sooth voice calming the boy.

At first, he doesn't get the idea of why he's here in the first place. Then, that horrible memory come to his mind, making him wanna puke to forget it.

All of them stay near his side, whispering sweet nothing to him, calming him from another breakdown. It took them awhile for the boy to calm and now he's falling asleep.

The next day, they brought gifts for Jimin. Teddy bear, flowers, his favourite strawberry milk and chocolate cake just to cheer him up. Jimin beam in joyful, laughing when Jin makes dad jokes, playing tickle wars with Jungkook and Taehyung, watching "smurf", yep, children movie, but anything for him as per his request. They all round up with Taehyung on Jimin's bed, Jin leaning on the chair beside him and the others on the couch. Yoongi were long forgotten as he had fallen asleep instantly as soon as the movie's begin.

Jimin look to all of them with a small smile on his lips. He loves them so much, they made him feel safe.

He knows the others still in escaped for what he knows and two already being arrested. With assurance from his members, he knows this is his safe space, with them all surround him.

Jimin feel giddy and continue watching the movie, laughing along with Tae when he's laughing. He leaned against Tae's chest, his hand holding Jin's hand.

This is heaven to him. He won't trade it for anything.

Unknown to him, all of his members vow to themselves to always protect each other, no matter the circumstances are.

Yoongi watch from the corner of his eye, watching fondly how Jimin smiling so big just for the movie. He won't change Jimin for anything. He will protect him at all cost.

Namjoon thought the same. He willing to dirty his hands even if it for his members safety. He rather in jail, killing to protect them, than letting them in danger. With what happened, he won't let anything harm his little mochi ever again. That smile should always on the face, rather than a cry and frown.

No one can break their friendship. They're more than just friends, they are family. Whoever tear the family apart, will face the consequent.

They all already in a deep slumber without finishing the movie. They sleep with a smile on their face. Even the nurse who happen to check on Jimin had to turn back, seeing how adorable the scene in front of her.

(The End)

Edited for the second time. If I have time, I will edit all of it with maybe a new update (?), who knows...

FYI, I recently made a ko-fi account. If you think this story is good, you can tip me at 👉 (can also refer to my bio). Thank you😊

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