Driving License

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"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! HYUNG!"

'Here we go again,' Yoongi thought as he scroll his Twitter feeds on the couch. He didn't bother the rapid steps coming from the hallway as he lazily lying on the couch.

"Hyung, look at my license card," he had blink a few times as a rectangular thing places right onto his face.

He placed his phone on his lap and take the card on his hand. He pulled a loud gasp; exaggerating it to get Jimin's reaction and it was worth it when Jimin smile so wide for just a simple thing.

"Congratulation baby. Hyung is so proud of you," he cooed internally as a blush crept onto the youngest face.

"Thank you, Yoongi hyung," his voice were small but still can be heard by Yoongi. He nodded giving back his license card to Jimin.

"Did I heard something? Jiminie got a driving license??" Both Yoongi and Jimin averted their gaze to the jogging Hoseok who founded the armchair to go to them.

Yoongi smile fondly as Jimin do the same to Hoseok, showing him his driving license card. He chuckled softly to Hoseok who gasps loudly and hugging Jimin tightly while screaming to which the youngest laugh in joy.

"Can I try driving officially for the first time, today?" Yoongi lips curved into a thin line as he heard the youngest request.

"Well... but.. herm.." Yoongi ask for back-up from Hoseok by his eyes to which the other responds with a shrug that caused him to pull a string of curse words (mentally). He then averted his eyes to Jimin to which he regretted it; he was met with a puppy doe eyes that glisten with excitement mirrored on his brown eyes.

Hoseok seeing the helpless look of the eldest rapper cleared his throat to get Jimin attention. "Sure, but..."

Jimin cheering turn to a halt as he heard the pause on Hoseok words. His frown deepened as he focuses on to what the eldest say next.

"You need someone to accompany you, anyone you want then you can drive," Jimin lips curved to a small smile then he voice an excitement laugh. The two rappers just watch with fond look visible on their eyes.


"Just a minute, Jimin,"

Jimin pull a glare to a slow Hoseok who's still searching for his jacket on his wardrobe. He looks to the car key on his hand longingly before averted his eyes to the eldest again.

"Hyuunng... hurry up," Hoseok just shakes his head with the youngest antics as he put on his jacket and walk out of their closet room.

"I'm ready, Jimin-ah. Let's go," Jimin beam with happiness after seeing his hyung fully dressed and ready to accompany him for his first driving experience. Hoseok press a soft chuckles as Jimin try to drag him by his wrist to the door.

"Safety bell already used?" He was answered with an excited 'yes' that makes Hoseok chuckling once more.

"All the side mirrors and the rear mirror ready?"

"Hyung, of course that's the first thing I did," Jimin whine impatiently as they both still at haven't started yet.

"Okay then, let's go," a continuation of 'careful' from Hoseok's mouth and Jimin finally driving out of their parking lot.

At first Jimin was scared as he drive painfully slow that caused them getting a complains and honk of the car behind them. After some courage words from Hoseok, he finally get used to it and now the two singing together to 'country road'.

They stopped at a lot of places; restaurant, pet shop, market, store etc. It's almost dawn when they finally call it end.

"So, how was it after finally and officially driving?"

"The feeling (sigh), I can't express it with word hyung but I'm happy. Can't wait to do this again," they stop at the traffic light, enjoying the orange colour of the sky.

"Tag me next time," Jimin pull a soft chuckle as he drives off the jams.

It's just for a split second and when they notice it, their car already tilt upside down in the middle of the road. Hoseok eyes blurred as he scanned his surroundings and he tries to wake the unconscious Jimin before he was meet with a pitch black of darkness.


"Fuck!" Jin exclaimed as he drives in full speed to the hospital where Hoseok and Jimin were at. It's hard to get that fast with jam but they made it to the hospital.

The waiting is crucial for the remaining five. The waiting of what feels like a day when it's actually an hour pass finally ended when a doctor came out of the Emergency room.

"Family of Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok?" All the five of them jump up and rush to the doctor.

"Thank goodness they're fine. The injuries aren't futile, and they're already being transferred to a normal ward compartment. You can visit them now," a chorus of 'thank God!' and a sigh of relief from Jin as they thank the doctor after asking for their room number.

It was indeed a police case as two cops coming to Hoseok and Jimin two days after they woke up. Hoseok only had small scars on his face while Jimin too experience the same, only with the addition of a broken arm but all of all they're both fine.

Jimin keep on apologise to Yoongi for his car who are now at the workshop to be repaired. Yoongi didn't care of the car, as long as his two dongsaeng were alive and fine.

"I will never drive again," Jimin said with a serious face shown to his members when they playing uno on the living room. He was truly traumatize with the incident.

"It's okay Jiminie, we can drive for you if you wanna go somewhere else," Yoongi said with a gummy smile that broke him into a small smile too.

"UNO GAME!" they were startled to Jungkook shout and change their gaze to the game. He indeed win the game and the eldest can help but to shake their head of their maknae antics.

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully and exclaim for another match and the others willingly obliges, just to get him off that awful memories from his fragile mind. Hoseok who is quiet for this whole match join after, sitting next to Jimin.

Edit the whole thing. Tell me if you like this one more than the old one or vice versa.

FYI, I recently made a ko-fi account. If you think this story is good, you can tip me at 👉https://ko-fi.com/hanamichelle98 (can also refer to my bio). Thank you😊

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