Motion Sickness

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On every bon voyage, there will be this boat event. On any occasional day, Jimin are well prepared, medicine and everything. 

That was it.

His medicine was finished and the last time he used it was yesterday when they were on the plane. That's his mistake. If he checked his medicine bag a little bit earlier, he might prepare for the extra medicines.

"Jimin, let's go..what are doing standing there?" Yoongi waves to him. Jimin following the eldest back gulping in nervousness. He hope he won't get too sick on the deck and ruin their moment.

On the deck, all of their members were ecstatic, Jin after playing "titanic" with Jimin, moving to the inside of the deck. Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi having their relaxing time sitting on the bench provided. Jungkook was stuffing his stomach with cookies and breads. 

Jimin on the other side, trying to fight the nausea, his forehead sweaty. Every time the boat waves to the sides, his stomach churn in all the way. He can feel the food he eats at lunch floating inside his stomach. He keep on gulping the lump of saliva on his mouth. 

"Jimin, you're okay?" Namjoon sitting beside him ask worrying. His usual tan colour face was now full of paleness.

Jimin can't answer, he had to control his movement, he just nod. 

He doesn't know when even Jin crouch to his level, checking him out. "Are you seasick honey?" He asked, seeing how much of sweat on his face, his paleness was too much he looks like he is about to faint. 

Jin sit beside him, hands on his other side of the head, trying to make him lie on his lap. Everyone knows about his seasick, but he usually gets the use of it with the consummation of medicine. Jin feel weird and confused. He won't ask now remembering how sick the boy is.

They had to cut short the party and move back to their hotel. Jungkook the muscle pig piggyback Jimin all the way to their hotel. The others followed behind.

Upon arrival, Jungkook brought him to Jimin share room and lay him on his share bed with Yoongi. 

In the living room, "Did he ate his medicine just now?" Jin asked no one actually, more like to himself. 'Did he? Did he not?' Everyone moods were down thinking of their sick baby upstairs. 

Sound of steps was heard, Jungkook joining the group. "Hyung, I think Jimin medicine were finished. I've check just now for him to take after he woke up but I found nothing," he told the others.

Hoseok sigh. Besides Jimin, he also one of the members who have this motion sickness. "Why he didn't ask for mine? I have plenty of it on my bag," he muttered, more than enough for them to hear.

"I will make some porridge for him. Jungkook can you check on him again?" Jin walk to the kitchen and start making the porridge while Jungkook and Hoseok went upstairs to check on their sick members. 

They had to cancel today's activities to take care of their sick members. After about 2 hours, which is 7pm, Jimin woke up to a wet things being put on his forehead. 

"Oh hyung, you're awake.. " Jungkook help the boy sitting with his back leaning against the bedding.

Jimin's mind was hazy. He doesn't quite remember everything except when he's lying on his eldest lap, then nope. 'Maybe I fall asleep...' 

"Jimin..." Jin entered the room with a bowl of porridge and warm water for Jimin. Jimin look to his hyung with blank face, eyes following his hyung action.

Jin then sit on his side, hand touching the boy's forehead. He hummed in approval knowing his temperature falling down and back to normal. 

"Here the porridge... eat it...or want me to do it for you?" Jin softly asked, and earn a nod from Jimin. He had to muted his cooing mode, seeing how Jimin cheeks getting chubbier and his hair looking more fluffy even when he's just woken up. 

All of them entered the room to meet their sick member. Hobi run to his side and side hug him.

"Jiminie, why didn't you ask me? Your medicine finished already yet you didn't come to me for it... next time...ask okay..." Hobi put both his hand on the cheeks, pressing it more making the boy mouth turn to "O" shape. 

"I'm sorry...because of me our party cut short... I'm sorry too.. Hobi hyung for not asking earlier... I'm sorry guys.." he looked down, lips turn to frown. He played with the hem of his shirt, looking every way but his members.

"It's okay...things happen..we didn't blame you anyway... so don't feel guilty that much.. have a good rest for tomorrow.." Namjoon advised, brushing the boys fluffy and soft blond hair, messing it out a little bit with smile shown. 

Jimin nod to him, whining when his hyung keep on messing with his hair. He will kept everything his hyung advised on his mind. 

"...and if you ever get seasick, carsick...tell one of us if I'm not on your side..don't hold it okay...we are sick, we have 6 other healthy members that can take care of the sick member...remember, don't ever keep your sick a secret till it's turning worse.." Jin reminded, he want not only Jimin, but the others to tell each other if ever they get sick..

Jimin promise himself to never keep everything by himself. Besides, he has 6 other members to take care of him. Being babying for a's okay...

FYI, I recently made a ko-fi account. If you think this story is good, you can tip me at 👉 (can also refer to my bio). Thank you😊

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