Stomach Ache (Part 2)

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Just like you guys asked. 

A gurgling and choking sounds broke its way to the kitchen and disturbing Jin concentration of making a chicken soup for the sick boy. 

It's Jimin third time throwing all of his remaining breakfast; although none was left except for a stomach bile for almost an hour. It's worry Jin to the fullest and not knowing how to reduce the pain is what disappointed him. 

Taehyung rub the boy's back and silently supporting him from any further problem. Jimin was unnaturally pale and that's worried him. 

"I'm done, Tae," the words sound slurred from Jimin but he can still hear him nevertheless. He help Jimin to stand on his feet and bring him to the sink. He support Jimin's weight as he cleaned his face and help him to brush his teeth. 

He then brought Jimin to his room as he hold Jimin tightly on his waist. He almost slipped Jimin from his grip when Jimin suddenly slid down from his support, making him involuntarily scream. 

Jin who moving the soup to the bowl almost dropped it when Taehyung scream surprise him. Leaving the soup pot opened and the bowl unattended, he ran to them.

"What's happening?" The question as soon as he drops kneel at the lying Jimin; checking his forehead and vein. He vocal a gasp as he felt the faint feeling of his vein. 

"Taehyung, run to my room and grab my wallet, and jet and run to the car. Go!" 

After Taehyung run to do the tasks he asked for, he put his right arm on his lower legs and the others on his back as he picked him bridal styled to his car, unbothered to locked the door. 

Carefully lay Jimin on Taehyung lap, he jogged to the car and drive off to the nearest hospital. 

"Hy-hyung, he-he's too pale," 

Taehyung trying his best to wake Jimin up but he still got no response. Jin too panicking; internally because he doesn't want to make the on-a-verge-of-crying Taehyung panicked more.

"Don't worry Tae. We're almost there," 

Truth to his word, they finally arrived at the emergency entrance and before his even shut his car, Jin opened the back door and help Taehyung with Jimin as he screams to the nurses and doctors for help. 

The nurses brought a stretcher closer to the car as they too helped them moving the fainted boy to it.

The two take a sit on the bench provided after Jimin was brought to the emergency room for check up.

They hope nothing is wrong with their precious kochi.


"Jin! Hyung!" 

They almost panicked when the door aren't unlocked from the inside. After checking every room including kitchen, they all were left dumbfounded and clueless as not even Jimin small feet was found. 

"The pot still hot. I guess they going anywhere not long ago," Yoongi said after inspecting the opened soup pot. 

Namjoon pulled out his phone and contact the most mature person he knows will answer the phone; Taehyung. He waited for a three ring and true to his thinking, he called was answered.

"Where have you guys been?" 

"Oh hyung! We're at the hospital, XXX hospital. Jimin fainted so we brought him here,"

"What??! We'll be there soon,"

"Okay, Joonie hyung. See you later,"

Namjoon sudden outbursts brought the others attention as they walked closer to their distress leader. 

"What did Taehyung said?" 

Instead of answering Jungkook, he averted his gaze to Hoseok.

"Hobi, get your car key. We're going to a hospital. Jimin and the other was there,"

The 'whats' and 'whys' fill Namjoon ear but with a sharp shush from him silent the other. 


Jin and Taehyung gaze averted to the door as they heard something broken from the outside of the door. Jin just shakes his head as his attention was back to a sleeping Jimin. 

The constant throwing up and lacked of water + food on his system causing him to faint, according to the doctor, luckily. Jimin indeed were diagnosed with stomach ache tho, to which the eldest already predicted.

"How is-" Hoseok outburst were met with a sharp shush from the eldest as he pointed with his eyes a sleeping Jimin. Hoseok smile sheepishly as he slowly walk to Jimin side. 

Namjoon too walked with wary smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck to Jimin. The others followed behind him with Yoongi holding a plastic of dinner meal. 

After a brief explanation, they all surrounded Jimin; some were sitting and standing. 

They hold their breath they never know they even do it as Jimin eyes fluttered at first then opened slowly. 

Jimin wake up to an unfamiliar place and he feel uneasiness on the back of his left palm and arms. He almost panicked but as soon as his eyes landed on the distraught Jin on his left side, he calmed down. 

"Where am I? What happen to me?" 

Jungkook stop Jimin hands from grabbing the vital attached to his arm as he squeezed his hand gently.

"You're currently in a ward room of XXX hospital. We brought you here because you've fainted on Taehyung," 

"You scared me shitless, Jimin-ah. Next time, tell us if you sick." Taehyung said and respond he got is a weak pull out tongue by Jimin to which he playfully punch Jimin shoulder.

"I've learned my lesson and I promise I won't do it again," 

Who are they to be mad when they were met with a blinding sweet smile; despite he being sick, and a playful peace gesture shown to them. 

"You better be or else I'm gonna locked you on your room and never let you walk even a step to your bathroom unless someone there with you," Yoongi warned but with a slight fondness on his tone. 

"Okay fine," whine the sick boy as a pout formed on his lips. Yoongi almost melt as Jimin scary (cute) eyes turn to him. 

"You don't have to do that," after his point finger point to Yoongi, he crosses his arms on his chest. Before Jungkook set another remark, the door opened with a doctor entering the ward.

Jimin almost jump from the bed as the doctor announced that he can be discharged tomorrow. He hates hospital and he will never put a foot on this filthy place; that's what his mind think of.

After changing the water and medicine bags by the nurse, they all huddle together while watching an old English movie until they fall asleep with the background of the movie sound accompany them.



FYI, I recently made a ko-fi account. If you think this story is good, you can tip me at 👉 (can also refer to my bio). Thank you😊

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