Pizza Time Accident (Part 2)

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He was surrounded by two bulky guy on a locked restroom with no one to ask for help. His eyes in a brim of crying and the whole of his body shaking in fear.

He does the things he might know how to and that's what he does now....


Halfway screaming, his mouth force shut by one of the guys big hand and he force Jimin on his bulky chest, secured him on his spot.

Jimin eyes shaking in fear as the other guy pulled a knife and put it on his side neck. 

"Dare screaming once more, the result won't be as pretty as your face," 

Sounds of door banging and screaming from the outside shock the three. The guy who's holding Jimin brought him to one of the cubicles.

Jin in a brink of having a fight with the manager of the restaurant for his lack of responsibility, which is...calling cops as his respond are shitty and not even make any sense.

The click of doors open force their attention to the door. A guy, seems in mid 30, standing on the door. 

"I apologize for the locking. My brothers in his 'accident' so as he was shy, I had to lock door," the guy had to find some reasonable lie but the six won't buy it. 

"Then, why we heard a scream from the inside? And it sounds like one of our members..." Jin asked, unsatisfied with his reason. He can just lock the cubicle, why even bother locking the restroom door that what he thought of.

"Oh, it's my brother shouting at me. It's nothing to be weird of.." Jin can feel the guy is lying. He was a major in psychology so he can read others face and detect whether they're lying or telling the truth.

"Can we enter the restroom now? I'm in a brink of peeing myself.." Taehyung, without waiting for his response, walking inside the room.

His face that looks scary make the others kinda blur out. Taehyung act innocent but not even once that bulky guy know his intention. He knew something was wrong. He can feel Jimin, his half, his soulmate in dangers and being hide elsewhere inside one of the cubicles. 

Seeing one of the cubicles at the back of the room shut tight, he know something definitely wrong in this room seeing the others wide open.

Namjoon signal Hoseok, who was far away from the situation and from that shitty manager to call the cops. Hoseok, understand much his signal, move further away and took out his phone.

After about 10 minute on a phone call, he come with a signal of 5 shown on his hand indicating the cops on his way. Namjoon internally sigh knowing the rescuer are coming.

Jimin can heard well enough to know Taehyung in the room with the sound of Jin and Namjoon talking. He can't just stay still and waiting for this chance to help himself. 

Thus, he did a thing he didn't know he bravely did. Despite the knife on his neck, he bite the man's hand that was kept onto his mouth. With little time left, he quickly unlock the door and run outside to see Taehyung in front of the cubicle. 

Seeing him, Jimin run onto his embrace, crying his lungs out.

"Let's go, Jimin," they yet to take 2 steps when they heard clicking on Taehyung's head. Jimin scream in fear as he see what it is. Taehyung feeling agitated than scared, pull Jimin securely and tightly on his arms.

"Jimin, run.." Jimin shocked hearing Tae words, shaking in disagreed. He can't just leave Tae here when he's the cause of it.

"Jimin, I said...RUN.." Tae's deep voice what cause Jimin to finally run from him and to Jin embrace. 

"You have me now, take me then," Tae smirk was actually unpredictable. No one knows what his intention now even. 

He know cops on his way seeing how Hoseok move away from the crowd and that weird signal Namjoon gave to what he guessed was Hoseok. He might look unbother of the situation but he was actually an observant.

Jungkook take another step further to his hyung when another sound of clicking from the gun stopped him. 

"Move further more, I won't take much to take out your favourite members life," the guy snarl. The three, with Tae force to move to the front with an unfortunate Tae with them.

They had to move backward, seeing the gun on Tae's head and the sight of Tae injure if they didn't follow their words.

Fortunately, sounds of alarm blaring from the outside and steps of feet moving was what relief them. 

Tae took a change to run away when he saw both of them distracted with the alarm sounds.


"Put your hands in the air. I repeat, put your hands in the air," both of the guys slowing move their hands up. "Throw your weapon away," they obediently, but look off to Jin as they look as they were in defeat. 

No way they act defeat this much seeing how determined they are to adultnap Jimin just now.

Yep, his gut was never wrong. 

The guys that holding a knife just now suddenly pull out the gun from his back and shoot it to Jin. Jin, too dazed to respond, didn't react quick as he feel the burden on his body and they both drop down on the floor.

Sounds of gun shooting and groan from the two shown that both of them finally arrested.

Opening his eyes, he almost screaming seeing Jimin with pale face, smiling weakly to him. Moving his hand to his back, he can feel that sticky wet of blood on Jimin back. Hoseok was screaming hysterically as Tae and Jungkook sobs loudly.

"J-jimin...why did you do t-that?" Jin put Jimin's head on his lap, brushing his hair while crying painfully seeing his dongsaeng state.

Jin didn't react when two or three medical workers move Jimin on the stretcher and to the ambulance. 

Jin was too shocked to respond for Namjoon calling and was too dazed when Hoseok hug his shoulder tightly. He was like a living corpse, being pulled anyway his members would like to.

He didn't respond even when Yoongi pull him on his lap, head resting on his lap.

Taehyung volunteer to join the drive with the ambulance while the other trail behind with their car.

They all pray the same thing, for Jimin to wake up and recover.


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