Innocent Crush

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"Jimin, you did a good job," Yoongi praises as his hand on Jimin hair, brushing it.

Jimin are blushing and he had to look down while muttering, "thank you, hyung,". He was afraid to make eye contact with the rappers above him as he looked at his shoes with fake interest.

Yoongi pull a gummy smile before grasping his shoulder and find a seat next to a daze off Seokjin.

Jimin exhale a breathing he didn't know he was holding before averted his eyes to a Hoseok who is ever so subtly wiggling his eyebrows with a teasing smirk showing. Jimin only rolled his eyes as he flips off the eldest before plopping next to Jungkook.

Only Hoseok and Taehyung know his secret. He has a crush on the pale hyung.

That is a fact.

He will always get crimson red when Yoongi are around him. The blushed will darken itself when Yoongi being affectionate at him- compliment him, being touchy-feely and teasing him.

Yoongi actually like the effect he has on Jimin. He loves doing all such things just to see the red colour painted Jimin swollen cheeks. How he attempted to crush that cheeks and smuggle that thick and meaty lips.

"Hyung, Sejin hyung is calling you," Yoongi break off from his pervert thought before nodding to the leader but his eyes still on the closed-eye Jimin who is leaning on Jungkook shoulder while the maknae looking at his phone.

He sighed before passing by Namjoon and walked out of the room.

Namjoon only pull out a sigh upon seeing the eldest lingering eyes on Jimin before he went out. He knew the adoration and slightly cute crush of the oldest rapper to the small child.

Yoongi never exposed or telling anyone about his sexuality which frustrated Namjoon because how he should help him?

Namjoon glance at their eldest member who is currently playing Mario game with a string of curse words from the thick lips.

Namjoon have an idea. A cheshire cat smile formed on his face.


"Jimin," there are knocks on the bedroom and Jimin which for Hoseok to open the door. His eyes were still shut and heavy as he grunts and move to sideways facing the peach-coloured wall.

Namjoon open the door to see a covered Jimin on thick blanket. He sighed and shook his head before taking the cover. He received a slurred curse words before attempted to get the blanket back from Namjoon hands.

Namjoon put the blanket on his back and far away from the little mochi before pulling Jimin by his hands from his lying position.

Jimin huff and grunted before forcing out a big yawn as he closed his mouth with his hand. He then stretching his arms and legs before looking at the leader's direction, eyes squinting as the sleepiness still on him.

"Yoongi ask for you. He said he needs your help, maybe," Namjoon said uncertain before he shrugged and walked out of the room.

"Jimin is dazed before added, "that is the only reason for you to disturb my beauty sleep?" He's frustrated but go back to sleep, he is already wide away after hearing the information.

"Aish, Kim Namjoon!" He muttered before getting out of the bed and to the bathroom.



Yoongi," Yoongi beauty sleep was interrupted when the eldest shake his body. He grunt before buried himself deep under the thick duvet. He faced the wall which is opposite of the eldest before dozing off again.

Little Mochi {Jimin X BTS Fanfic} (One-shot fanfics)[complete]Where stories live. Discover now