Small Baby Boy (Part 1)

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*baby Jimin X BTS everyone*

"Stop! Jimin, can't you get anything correct? Start again," and their practice start again for the 5th time.

Why Jimin can't concentrate? Well, with his family problems, their soon-to release new song, the pressure from their dance teacher, his vocal teacher and the threatening from his manager of being pulled out of the group if he keep on slacking...yep, he was beyond stress.

He tries his best on the 5th try, and all went well. Unfortunately, on their last step, he tripped on his own feet and fall to the ground. 

Hearing the door of their studio harshly shut down, and looking at his members shaking their head in disappointment, he does the thing he knows best, run away from them before the tears that already form in his eyes fall.

Finding a toilet, he entered one of the cubicles, crying his lungs out. Knowing himself going to regress, he called the number he trust the most.

"Hyung, it's time..I'm going to regress.." 

"Wait what? Now? Wait for me...where are you.."

But the phone slip from his hand when he feels his bones crack and his body becoming smaller. That's his escaped.


Jin are so worried about the disappearance of Jimin. He's been missing for 2 hours. He looks to his other members who don't mind their other who are still not here yet.

"Where could Jimin went to? He must be that stress.." He tries to get his brothers to pay attention but all he got was a shrug and some just concentrate on their phone.

Feeling annoyed, he walked out of the studio, not before adding, "Just remain like that. If anything happen to him, you guys at fault..".

He walked to every place. Asking one of their staff that said he last saw the boy's at the toilet, he walked to the place.

Seeing one of the cubicle close and lock, he knocks on the door. 

"Jimin, you there? Come out please..I'm worried about you.." he was feel with worried. Hearing no sound of it, he just wreck the door. What inside it cause Jin to shock in surprise.


Not even one bother to look at the person entering the studio. The sound of cough made them slowly look away from their device but was met with a shocking view.

On Jin's arm was a baby, a two year old baby sleeping on his shoulder, wearing Jimin clothes? They all look to his hyung, only for his hyung to shrug it off indicating he also don't know.

"Hyung, this is Jimin clothes. Where is he?? Who is this baby?? Where did he come from??" Questions from the boys were left unanswered.

Pdnim run to them in a rush, after looking for the boy everywhere and saw Jin holding a familiar baby. Everyone stand straight and greet him.

"Jin, can you give me this baby?" BangPd half demanding, half begging Jin but to no avail Jin move away the baby from him only to ask, "hyung, why is this baby on one of the cubicles in the toilet? Is it yours?? And why is he wear Jimin clothes?? Where's Jimin?" Jin bombard with questions that Pdnim can't even find excuses.

Seeing Jin piercing gazes, and the 5 others looking at him anticipating an answer, he sighed not knowing what else to do. He tries to explain when he heard a sleepy whimper from the baby on Jin shoulder.

Their attention are all to the baby. His eyes blinking and open wide, looking to his surrounding. He then looked to the man, looking to his eyes. As a two years old baby, Jimin's mind not processing the surrounding him, even the man's holding him. So, as a baby should do, he loudly. 

Jin motherly instincts kick in so he do what moms do, bouncing and hushing him, even walking everywhere to calm the boys. The technique was surprisingly successful and Jimin finally calm down, only small hiccups and sniffs was heard from him. All the boys even BangPdnim looking at them in awe.

"Looks like he likes you Jin," BangPdnim was quite shocked with how fast Jimin with Jin. It takes longer for Jimin to adapted on him. 


With the help of Hoseok and Yoongi, Jimin special clothes were brought to their dorm. They all, including Jimin gathered on the living room as per BangPdnim demanded.

"Before he was put to this group, his mom came to me and explain that Jimin quite...special. At first I don't know what his mother mean by that. She just gave me the same things I gave to you guys, and said he will regress at least twice a year.."

All except Jimin concentrate on Pd Nim words while Jimin sitting on Jin's lap after woken up from sleep, playing with his dinosaur and bunny rabbit plushies.

" first experience of his regression was on Jun 2013, your debut year. Then, till" BangPdnim smile fondly to the baby on Jin's lap. Jimin gave big impact on him and he really think of Jimin like his own son.

The other BTS also can't help but to coo at the baby, his fluffy soft hair, chubby cheeks, with pouty lips, and mumbling incoherent words to Jin really took a toll on their already weak heart.

"... he usually regress when he overly stress, or sometimes when he really need to.." Jin and the others finally understand the situation.

"He indeed stressed out hyung. It's partly our fault," Namjoon represent his members took blame for their forgetfulness and lack of teammate. 

"It's okay.. he will go back to his normal state soon...for now, just treat him like a baby because he is physically and mentally a 2 year old baby," after that, BangPdnim excuse himself to go home, not before kissing Jimin forehead.

Now, they have such a great job. What could baby Jimin do much?


Part 1 done. Part 2 will come soon...

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