'Meanie People' (Part 2)

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Jimin after several attempts to open his eyes, squinted with effort as he blinking the laziness away. A small gasps from his left side. As he looked at it, he saw Hoseok, his roommate approach him.

"How are you feeling, Jimin? Are you hurt somewhere?" He didn't answer it though as his eyes wandered to the familiar room. He still doesn't remember what actually happened to him.

How he even lying on his own bed, he didn't even know.

The sounds of their door room opened and shutting with multiples sound of pitter pat with the remaining of five pairs of head shown.

He's still confused. He remembers vividly of certain even where's he's on the dance studio, dancing to 'blood, sweat and tears' and that black dots. Then, he remembers nothing.

"What happen to me?" His voice sounded raw and harsh from the dryness of his throat. 

"You don't remember? You faint Jimin.. luckily Namjoon's there to fetch you before your body meet the floor..." Jin explained to the confused boy. 

Namjoon know, it's now or never. Thus, he took a deep breath and sigh. He knows this topic will hurt the boy but they need to get this thing done. But, before he even utter a word, someone already beat him, but with fragile voice.

"Jimin hyung, it's too scary... y-you faint.. a-and we don't know w-what to do.." Jungkook stutter as tears slipped from his already red eyes as he moves forward to the lying man on the bed. 

A tuck of guilty haunted Jimin when he saw the fragile maknae who rarely crying In front of them, crying because of him. Thus, he pulled the maknae for a hug, and there the maknae bawled out his sobbing on the eldest chest. 

"I'm sorry, Jungkook.. shush don't cry.. hyung are fine now.. shush.. I'm sorry that I made you scared.." after occasional hugs, kisses and words of comfort from Jimin, the maknae finally calm down.

The others can't help but to spilled single tears as the scene In front of them really broke their heart to pieces.

That's when Namjoon know, thus is not the right time to discuss everything, seeing his fragile both of his youngsters now.

Jin, after walked out of the room, coming back again with a tray of chicken porridge and a glass of warm water.

Yoongi take the tray from Jin and sit on the younger side with tray on both of his hands. 

Yoongi rarely crying and to see his favourite hyung crying really broke the male heart. With occasional sniffs, he spooned the porridge.

"Jiminie, open up.. hyung will feed you.." Jimin comply but his mind is still filled with negatives thought so he just eat half of it. After eating his medicine, he finally sleeping as tiredness floating over.

Tugging the sleeping member with the fluffy blanket, and after kisses on the male forehead, hoseok slowly closed the door and walked to his members who's sitting on their living room.

"Namjoon-ah, what are we gonna do now?" Jin is the eldest, but he feels as he failed Jimin by being his brother as he failed to notice his broken soul. He broke into tears again as he remembering the scars he saw on both of Jimin's arms just now. 

"Hey... hyung .. It's not your fault.. don't cry.. we are also in this.. shush ... we are all noticed it but didn't forbid it earlier until it's too late but.. none of this is your fault alone.. okay hyung?" Namjoon on the verge of crying too, he's the leader and he didn't stop this from happening.

"For now, let's all go to bed. Fortunately, we were given a week to rest so we have plenty of time to discuss this. But I hope, as soon as Jimin wake up tomorrow, we all can solve this.." Namjoon can't guarantee of what's happening tomorrow but he just hope his angelic dongsaeng will go back to his normal self.


Jimin was the first to wake up. He feels a little fine himself as he slowly walked to his share bathroom. After showering and washing his face, he walked to the kitchen to find their eldest already serving the food.

It's 7 in the morning and yet only him and Jin at the kitchen. He heard a gasp so he turned his head to the source sounds. 

"Jiminie, I didn't see you there.. good morning.." Jin greet as he putting the pot of porridge on the table. Jimin mumble as he sit on one of the dining chairs.

"How are you feeling, Jimin?" Jin asked after he already settled everything and sitting at the opposite of Jimin.

"I'm fine.. why is the others not waking up yet?" Jimin asked after he noticed not a single member showing his face from the kitchen door although it's almost their practice time.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you.. we have a week off from the management. That's why until now, non wake up yet.." Jin try to make things as normal as it be, to not make the youngest feeling awkward enough.

Jimin just nod as his mind trail to somewhere else. Jin didn't talked more as he saw his state. Jin again, he feels as tears already wells up on his eyes thus he find an excuse of waking the others up to prevent the male to see his already wet cheeks.


Breakfast aren't that awkward. They just being themselves. Jimin also once a while joining the two maknaes weird conversation with the others either snickers or shaking their head.

It's the time when Namjoon announce meeting at their living room. After their breakfast, they all moved to the living room. Namjoon is on the single couch, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung on the L-shaped couch, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin packed on the couple couch across Namjoon.

Jimin suddenly feeling nervous, Namjoon trying not to stutter with his words, while the others waiting in anxious.

How will Jimin reacted?

**to be continued**

I will make the last part of this.. don't worry..

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