No More Baby Boy

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After Hobi found Jimin in his normal self, he was beyond happy. He admits that he misses the boy so much he pulled the boy in a tight hug.

On their breakfast, Jimin was met with various expressions yet he didn't complain. The others was so happy with Jimin in his self, no longer a 2 year old toddler.

Namjoon held a family meeting on their game room, the main topic was about Jimin condition. The talk was quite serious and Namjoon words struck the boy's insecure mind.

"Jimin, we all fairly know your secret. Me as a leader want to say my deepest apologize to you for not acting sooner. You're too stressed that cause you to regress that young," the leader really feel sorry for not being a good leader, leaving one member handling his own stress when he as a leader should be there for all of his members.

"Yeah, me too Jimin hyung. I'm such a brat I always look down on you. I know I'm too a part of this thing. I hope you will forgive" Jimin never see Jungkook in such a mood, he looked so down, eyes well in tears, and hands folding each other holding it tightly.

"I forgive you guys. It's okay. About me being a toddler, you guys didn't know and I never told you guys about it except to BangPdnim. I won't take it by heart. I would like to thank all of you. Taking care of a toddler me, I really appreciate your kindness. I'm sorry if I ever being a brat when I'm on my little state. I tend to not remembering anything when I'm a 2 years old," He was genuinely thankful and slightly scared of being a burden but seeing all the faces around him, he knew he was wrong for the second.

"Jimin-ssi, it's our responsibility. You're not a brat for us, in fact everyone's gone crazy of you being a toddler. You're so cute we can't get enough of your cuteness. We just have a request though," jimin look at him confused.

" must promise us. From now on, if there's anything troubling your mind, or you just need to talk, tell us... talk to us. If not to Namjoon, maybe to Yoongi or Taehyung, your buddy. And one thing baby, if we ever do stupid things like we did at the studio that day, yell at us, scream, or kick us in the ass for stressing you out. Don't run away from us and most of all, if you ever feel to regress, please do it in front of us. At least let us take care of you, okay Jiminie?" Yoongi know how insecure Jimin before, even now. That's why he advising the young man.

"Jimin, you're not a burden if you think that way now. We are in pleasure if you put your trust on us," Hoseok hold his both hands, caress and massage the hands lightly.

Taehyung scoot closer to Jimin, "Yeah.. me and Kookie will be that proud hyung when you're regressing," Kookie respond with a quick nod, showing his bunny smile.

"I will be that genius grandpa, " Yoongi interrupt with humor, causing the other burst in chuckle, even Jimin smile to his words.

"Everyone a softy when it comes on you Jimin, big or toddler. Come to us if you have problems, we will always become your loyal listener and adviser even if one day, you won't need it anymore and even to the point of being tired of us," 

Namjoon last yet meaningful advise broke him to tears. He rubbed his eyes repeatedly, don't want the others to see him cry when he obviously shown it to the others. "I need you hyung... I need everyone.. don't leave me hyung..." he hiccup with every sentence he pull. 

They gathered around Jimin and circling Jimin with a hug. Everyone cry in sentimental and happiness. 

They promise themselves to always being Jimin protector and back up, as long as they breathe and live.

Jimin quietly promise himself to never abandon his members and never leave them even death come separating them.

They content with each other present and they will keep it that way..



***done for the part three of small baby boys. Hope you guys enjoy it. I just put the title differently cuz Jimin no longer a toddler. 

FYI, I recently made a ko-fi account. If you think this story is good, you can tip me at 👉 (can also refer to my bio). Thank you😊

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