Pizza Time Accident (Part 1)

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"That's all for today. You guys did a great job," upon hearing Hoseok word, they all slump to the dance floor, panting and sweating furiously.

Jimin lay on the floor in star, face up yet eyes closed. We can hear heavy breath from the said blond man. Jungkook crawl to the hyung side and lay face first with arms supporting his forehead. Taehyung lying on Jimin's belly, mouth wide open and similar to Jimin. Namjoon and Jin just sitting against the wall, chugging the whole mineral water. Yoongi, as usual, the first to drop himself to the floor as soon as Hobi finish his word.

Hobi on the other hand standing beside the speaker, chugging his mineral water while observing his members. He never show it but he indeed are proud of his members, especially the leader, the eldest and the lazy grandpa. They never show slightly an annoyance or tiredness when it about practicing. That much make him swell in proudness. He too feel proud of his dongsaeng who never give up being his second helper, especially Jimin.

He envies Jimin. The way he teaches his hyungs with determination, patient, and encouraging smile even though they make mistakes, it's contrary to him who's pretty scary, as what Taehyung said when it comes to teaching. Not that he jealous of it anyway.

"I'm actually craving for pizza...hyung, can we eat pizza?" The quiet studio was broken by a needy look of Jimin who plead Jin to at least take them eating outside.

Jin, too tired to cook, nod his head in agreement causing the boy to shout a small "yes".

The hyung lines (except Yoongi who's long gone from the reality) just shook their head and murmuring "kids" seeing their dongsaeng's antics.

"Let's go,"


"What are you waiting for?"

They are genuinely surprised with the sudden energy of their second eldest member who usually a lazy ass for everything. They all scurry out of the studio, leaving the hyung lines switching off the electrics and locking the door.


Jimin nom his pizza, sitting between Taehyung and Jungkook. He didn't really listening to his hyungs topic of discussion, because food is more important to him at this moment.

" you agree, Jimin?"

Both the maknae line been arguing about either a certain ironman or anime is worth watching and they seems to need Jimin opinion in this so call heated argument.

Jimin, hearing his name was called, looking up from his previous position, and look to the both man who's impatiently waiting for his answer.

Hobi and Yoongi literally death by his cute sight. Jimin stop midway munching his pizza piece, cheeks poke out forming squishy and cute blank mochi. His innocent answer, needless to say, making their soul tear out from their human form and fly somewhere else.

"I think both a better... we can watch later after we go home, can we Jinnie hyung?" he don't mind both, and he definitely watch both, with his two buddies of course.

Jin internally die from the overload aegyo of Jimin but keep it to himself. He cleared his throat and answer him, "Of course. We all gonna watch it together, okay?" although he doesn't really into this type of movies but this is just for Jiminie that's what he thought.

They all back to their own topic when Jimin excuse himself to the restroom. Jin nod acknowledge his disappearance and back to Namjoon topic.


Jimin more of jogging his life to the restroom and when he found it, he straight away to the nearest cubicle. He blames himself to always holding his own pee but he was too engrossed to his pizza he take it lightly.

After finishing his business, he being a good boy, flush the toilet and walk out of the cubicle. He walked to the sink to wash his both hands and walk out to his members when 2 men blocking his step.

He takes a step back when he saw a man locking the door, and the other one walking forward to him. He gulped harshly.

He senses himself in danger.


It's been 15 minute and Jimin still hasn't come yet. Jin keep on glancing to the path Jimin been going and his watch. He is worried but scared of the thought of being overreacting.

"Where's this Jimin? He's gone for too long? Is he shitting or what?" Everyone facepalm to Yoongi boldness. Seriously, talking about shit when eating.. all of them thought.

Their thoughts were interrupted with the sudden bang, a loud one with the occasional shouts from somewhere else inside the restaurant.

The sudden feeling of curious cause them to walk out from their seat and walk to the source of that sound.

Close to the source, they saw people, men and two or three(?) waiters outside of the restroom, banging and shouting on the doors. It's seems like something did happen inside that room.

They have an uneasy gut on all of this.


Jimin take a step backward as the men approaching him. He tried to mask his scared feeling by acting strong yet his body against it. He was shaking, head to toe. He really terrified of this.

"W-what d-do y-you g-guys want f-from m-me?" His eyes shaking, he almost tearing up, and his stutters really shown how fearful his situation is.

"We will do it in a calm and harmless way if you cooperate with us..if you do the other way round, will we do it in a harsh way,"

Jimin just need his members now, that's the most important thing for him at this moment...



***Part one is done. I don't know what even title suitable for this story. I just put it randomly and I hope you guys enjoy it.

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