Imagine #10 (Mariana Adams-Foster)

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Y/n was a strong girl, mentally and physically, this was something that most people knew, it took a lot to make the girl cry. Jesus, her best friend, had seen her cry once through their whole friendship and it was due to a punch to the nose that immeditally made her eyes water, the way she put it she cried against her own free will. Mariana, her girlfriend, had only seen her cry due to the loss of her grandfather, and that was by accident and Y/n still had no idea that she was caught. Other than those two specific people nobody could ever recall seeing the girl cry, so as you can imagine it caused an uproar through Jesus's mind when he opened the door to see a sobing Y/n. "Hey-hey!" Mariana was quick to run in from the kitchen hearing one of the sobs that escaped her mouth, though she actually didn't know who it was. When she made it to the doorway to see that it was Y/n her body froze, she had no idea what to do, she wanted to grab Y/n and hug her, but she didn't know what Y/n wanted or needed, so for that she stood in silence with a look of sadness covering her features while the rest of the large family stood behind her and Jesus quickly brought the broken looking Y/n into the cozy home while shutting the door.

"Honey, are you alright? What happened?" Lenas calm voice and sturdy hand made its way to Y/ns shoulder and she could feel the shudders going throughout the girls body while she cried harder without wanting too. "I-I-I" Y/ns body shook while she tried to speak but the words didn't come out and Lena had to bring her other hand to her shoulder to try and get her to stop so she wouldn't make herself sick on her own tears. "Y/n, calm down, take your time- you don't have to tell us right now." Lena said bringing her comforting arms around the girls shaking shoulders, and Y/ns limp body leaned into hers slightly and Lena sighed rubbing her arms and turning to the rest of the family who was staring at the girl they had all became close too, they all took it as a signal to leave, well, other than Steff and Mariana.

It took ten minutes to calm Y/n down and even then her breathing was still heavy and her face felt raw from the tears that had just rolled down her red cheeks. Lena and Steff had brought Y/n too the kitchen and sent everyone else upstairs, and Mariana sat at the table beside Y/n looking at her in concern. "Okay, Y/n, sweetheart can you tell us what happened?" Steff asked, Lena and Steff both stayed silent with their hands in the others due to the fact they didn't know what to except and they just wanted to help the girl that their daughter was so infactuaded with. Y/n nodded and took one deep breath looking between all three of the girls. "So I told my" Y/n said gesturing between herself and Mariana, and the two adults nodded while Mariana immeditally felt guilty. "My mom, she took it better than I thought, she didn't say anything reasurring but she didn't say anything derating." Y/n said with a nod while she looked back over the scene that has recently happened.

" mom told me I needed to tell my day so when he came home I told him to set down and I tried to tell him slowly and he uhm he lost it." Y/n said while staring at her hands. Mariana felt sick to her stomach, this was her fault yet she stayed silent knowing Y/n would need her. "Can you tell us what happened after that?" Steff asked quietly as she reached over the table and held Y/ns cold shaking hands in her own. Y/n once again nodded before speaking. "He stayed silent for a minute or two then he uhm.. he flipped over the table and started screaming.. my mom told him to calm down and not to hurt himself but he just kept screaming." Y/n winced as she spoke, she was basically reliving the moment in her own head.

"He kept screaming so many names..saying how I would bring shame onto my family..I was no longer his daughter. A lot of stuff like that..then he told me to get out and to never come back." Y/n let one tear leave her eyes as she spoke and she kept letting out shaky breaths. "And what about you mother?" Lena asked in a soothing voice. "She just sat there..when he told me to get out she handed me my phone." Steff sighed and walked over to the girl hugging her while Mariana wipped her eyes from the tears that were forming. "Why don't you go upstairs with Mariana, we'll uhm figure something out for you but until then I think you need to be with people you trust." Steff said while letting the girl go and looping her arm around Lena. "Thank you. Y/n said with a small smile while she and Mariana went upstairs.

Mariana walked into her shared room with Callie, silently thankful for the fact Callie was in Judes room so she wouldn't have to ask her to leave, and held the door open for Y/n. She walked in silently and then turned to watched Mariana as she closed the door. Mariana slowly turned around to face the girl of her dreams and couldn't help the dread over take her body, it was her fault that her parents kicked her out. "I'm sorry..I had nobody else too go to-" Y/n began to apologize for coming to the Fosters household and Mariana was quick to make her stop. "Stop." Mariana said moving forward to place her hands on Y/ns upper arms with a look of confusion set on her face making her doe eyes seem darkened with sadness. Y/n stopped and looked into Marianas eyes, the both of them stayed in the silence afraid of what the other might say. "Please.." Mariana was the one to start speaking as she looked down and then back into Y/ns eyes. "Please don't hate me. . ." Mariana trailed off as she let her hands drop off of her arms.

"Why..How could I ever hate you?" Y/n asked in disbelief as she started at the girl how held her heart. "Our fight.." Mariana trailed off letting the memory of the fight from two days ago come back into mind. "I told you I wouldn't stay without because you weren't being true too yourself..I basically forced you too come our and that means this whole thing is my fault." Mariana sighed as she sat down on the edge of her bed disappointed in herself. "If I were you I would hate me too." Mariana said looking back at Y/n with her eyes wet and her lips parted. Y/n shook her head slightly and kneeled down on the floor in front of Mariana while putting her hands on Marianas whose hands were placed in her lap. Y/n kept her eyes on their hands while she spoke with a small but sure voice. "Mariana, I came out for me, for us, not because you told me too. If it wasn't what I wanted I wouldn't of done it, I did it so we could be happy." Y/n said with a smile smile overtaking her lips as she squeezed Marianas hand.

"What my dad did was his choice, this is in no way your fault. I need something like this would happen, it is not your fault okay love?" Y/n asked feeling calm by the words coming from her mouth, of course she believe it and she meant it, it just meant more and did more when she said it out loud, plus not once did the thought of blaming it on Mariana come across his mind. "I love you.." Y/n said slowly, they'd said this three word sentence a few other times but it never meant as much to either of them as it did in that moment. Mariana leaned forward and down slightly and pressed their lips together, the kiss was short, sweet, and soft. When Mariana pulled away she was met by the beautiful smile that was on Y/ns lips which caused the same one to spread on her own. "I love you too." She said taking her turn to squeeze Y/ns hands.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested by: Someone in my messages.
Hey! So I'm sorry for the break, I'm not going back to how it was last year where I basically never updated. School is just really stressful and takes a lot of my time. I have a week off for break and I hope to have some chapters up. Sorry if none of you guys wanted a Mariana imagine but it was requested plus nobody else gave me any. PLEASE REQUEST. Also thank you guys for so many reads! It means so much and makes me so so happy!


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