Imagine #11(Brandon Foster)

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Y/n walked up through the pathway that marked the way up to the Fosters porch, Y/n hopped up the stairs as she did each day and knocked on the door. It was only an hour after school, this was a routine that everyone had mastered, each day after school the kids would do home work and chores that lasted an hour, then Y/n would head over to the loving families house hold and stay until six, except for every Thursday when the she stayed for dinner and the Fridays when the Fosters came over for dinner at her house. "Hello. You may enter." Jesus's voice sounded as he opened the front door with his left hand while his right held a Xbox remote and his eyes stayed glued to the Tv where he was playing a game against Jude. "Finish your chores early?" Y/n asked confused while she walked through and shit the door as she watched Jesus slowly walk forward not taking his eyes off the Tv. "Moms aren't here." Jesus said his voice seemed expressionless.

"Doesn't mean there aren't any chores." Mariana said as she walked past Y/n up the stairs while rolling her eyes. Y/n couldn't help the small chuckle while she walked upstairs slightly behind Mariana. She quickly made it up to Callie's room where she found Callie pacing and Mariana looking at her strangely. "What'd I miss?" Mariana asked as she turned back to the girl in her bedroom doorway and then back to her bag while she pulled out a school textbook. Y/n let her eyebrows furrow as she watched her best friend pace with her hands on the back of her neck. "Uh..I don't know.." Y/n said slightly confused.

"Well get her out of here I need to finish my homework." Mariana said the stress obvious in her voice. Y/n chuckled yet again and walked over grabbing one of Callie's wrists to pull her down the steps and out of the house with her.
They made their way into the garage that the Fosters had fixed up and cleared out and until the winter when they would actually use it for their cars the kids were allowed to use it as a hang out. Y/n didn't get a chance to close the door when Callie yanked her wrist from her grasp and began to pace again. Y/n sighed and walked over to her putting her hands on her shoulders making her stop trying to read her facial expression, normally Y/n was great at this and especially with Callie but for some reason she couldn't exactly make out what was wrong so she let go and stepped back slightly.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Y/n asked as she looked at Callie with obvious concern and Callie swallowed in response but slowly answered. "N-nothing's wrong." She said and paused before speaking again. "Nothing happened." Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she shifted her weight to her left foot. "I don't believe that for a second now spill." Callie had opened her mouth to tell Y/n everything but she just couldn't, she didn't want it out, she didn't even want herself too know, so she closed her mouth and the two girls stood in silence.

"There was something you said you wanted to tell me at lunch?" Callie put more towards a question with her tone as she moved over to a seat and so did Y/n slightly happier due to the fact that Callie didn't seem so frazzled. "Uh, yeah but it's no big deal. We don't have to talk about it." Y/n said not wanting to change the topic to herself when Callie may have been hurting, she didn't want to seem like a terrible friend who only wanted to talk about herself.

"Y/n it's fine. I wanna talk about it. It's about time you got feelings for someone." Callie joked as she chuckled at the look on Y/ns face before she started to laugh as well. "Well..okay." Y/n smiles as she sat up slightly straighter. "So..I like Brandon." Y/n said with a smile on her face, she had wanted to go into detail on why she liked her and how she figured out her feelings but she wanted to get it over with knowing it was her best friends brother. Callie seemed to sputter for a second. "Brandon as Brandon?" Callie asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh..yeah?" Y/n said with a chuckle but her face seemed to fall. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked as she stood up following Callie's sudden action. "You like Brandon? That's so know what? You don't even know him! It's because of me-" Callie began to go on a small diatribe but Y/n spoke up to her best friend. "Me knowing him is not because of you! I've known him for five years and I've only known you for a year." Y/n said as she crossed her arms while she kept a glare on her face. "You don't get to like him." Callie said as she crossed her arms the same as Y/n. "Oh, I don't get to like Brandon? And why is that? You're not my mother. You don't get to decided when or if I like someone. I was just telling you. And if you want to act like this I'm regretting that I did." Y/n said upset as she turned to walk away but she stopped in shock when she seen Brandon standing in the doorway, his eyes fixated between the upset and fighting girls. "How long have you been standing there?" Y/n asked as she dropped her arms to her sides and looked at Brandon. "Long enough to hear everything the two of you said." Brandon said with a shrug as if it meant nothing. Both Callie and Y/n seemed to deflate. "Callie can you give us a minute?" Brandon asked as he moved further into the garage and looked towards the girl who was still upset with the situation at hand. "No." Callie says in a proud voice. "Whatever you want to say to her you can say in front of me." Both Y/n and Brandon seemed surprised at that sentence but Brandon didn't seem to mind and Y/n just stood still waiting to hear what Brandon was going to say hopping that it wasn't some sort of nice rejection.

Brandon stood slightly and everyone in the room felt the tension, each person in the room hoping for a different out come of what Brandon was going to say and what would come after. "Y/n.." Brandon's voice came out slow and soft as he stepped closer and put his hands out to cup her face lightly as he let his thumb rub up again her soft skin. "It's always been you." Brandon hoped his words sounded the same to her as they did to him. He had no idea how to confess his feelings for her and with Callie in the room it felt slightly off to him but it soon went away with Y/ns lips met his. The moment felt like total bliss until they were interpreted but Callie stomping her way out of the garage.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested by: MikaelaMelinda124
I hope this is what you were looking for! If not you can always tell me and I'll rewrite it for you. I do have a few more requests to do for you guys but please keep requesting! Thank you guys for all the love on this book! Have any of you guys watched Switched at Birth? I started it the other day and I honestly can't stop, it's sooo good.


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