Imagine #12 (Jesus Adams-Foster.)

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"Oh my god! Just hide him somewhere!" Mariana shouted to Brandon who just looked at her while she groaned. "You're joking I planned this whole thing and the only thing I asked of you guys was to have a place for you to hide him and you couldn't do that? Just take him to Judes room." Mariana said with annoyed sigh having it wipe away in seconds hearing the doorbell ring, she knew it would be Rebekah and she was thankful that the girl had gone back to using the doorbell rather than just walking in or she would have just hit Brandon and Jesus with with the door and ruined the surprise she had been planning for a week.

Rebekah sighed as she waited for someone to open the front door to the Fosters household. It felt weird, the whole situation, Jesus had been gone for four months and they hadn't even spoken, Rebekah wasn't even sure where the couple stood so she tried to keep her distance from the Fosters which was hard since she had grown a strong bond with the whole family and loved them all. Mariana was the one to open the door and break Rebekah from her thoughts and intense staring at the hardwood door. "There you are. I've been waiting for you. God you take forever." Mariana said with a laugh as she opened the door wider for her to walk into the cozy house. "Mariana, you just texted me to come over four minutes ago." Rebekah said laughing at the shorter girl who tried to keep her face serious.

"Yeah well I have a tight scedule." Mariana said placing her hands on her hips earning a laugh from Rebekah, and Mariana followed suit dropping her hands. "God it feel great to see you again." Rebekah said smiling as she hugged Mariana tightly with a smile, even though it was hard she had sucessfully stayed out of the Fosters lives for a month, sure for most it wasn't that long but it was to her since the Fosters where like a second family to her. "Is that who I think it is?" Lenas voice sounded as she walked down the stairs with a smile on her face. "Oh come here and give me some love." Lena said holding her arms out for a hug which Rebekah instantly gave.

"So I'm thinking we can just hang out?" Mariana suggests to the large family and few guests as they sit in the living room. "We could have a water balloon fight." Jude suggests with a shrug earning a disapproving glare from Mariana yet it was too late because Rebekah had alright spoke her agreements. "Alright you guys it's everyone on their own and it has to stay outside we'll fill up the water balloons while Mariana gets the towels." Steff says looking towards Mariana as she gives her a hint to speak to her brother who was now in his old room.

Mariana walked into Judes room with a handful of towels and looks towards her brother who is sitting silently. "I don't think she's going to cry that much." Jesus says with a chuckle when he sees the stack of towels in her hands. "No stupid we're playing a water balloon match." Mariana says rolling her eyes. "Wait so I have to wait even longer to see her?" Jesus asks upset as he quickly stands up. "No. No, no. That's why I came up here." Mariana says quickly as she held up a hand trying to stop him from walking out. "While we're playing I want you to go out and hit her with a balloon when she turns around she'll see it's you. Sound like a plan?" Mariana asks as Jesus nods hestiantly not wanting to see his girlfriend agian on the terms of a water balloon hitting her.

"Ha I got you!" Rebekah laughed loudly as she Callie with yet another water balloon. Rebekah had been the only person who hadn't been hit and she was enjoying it, she didn't think about how weird it was due to the several chances they had to get her she simply thought it was due to her good luck since she always won, but within seconds of her fourth hit on Callie a water balloon splashed on Rebekahs back having water soak her back and she laughed turning around once agian not noting how weird it was that everyone else had stopped in their spots to watch the blonde girl.

"Oh I am so getting you ba-" Rebekah cut herself off meeting the beautiful brown eyes she hadn't seen in months. She dropped the red balloon in her hand and ran as quickly as she could to Jesus and he picked her up and she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist. "God I missed you." Jesus whispered against her ear while she kept her head in his shoulder. "I missed you too." Rebekah said her words slightly getting caught in her throat. Jesus set the girl down on her feet and he instantly cupped her face with his hands. "I love you." Jesus said and Rebekah wasted no time in pressing their lips together. After a few blissful, silent seconds were up both teens were met with water balloons to their backs and laughter in the air.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested by: Bad-Ass_Gallagher
So so sorry for the long week I know you requested this awhile ago but my house lost it's wifi and I have been completely stressed out with school. I know this isn't long and is kinda rushed but if this isn't what you like or simply want it rewritten please tell me and I'll gladly do it. I just wanted to say to the rest of the people that have requested thank you so much and I'm sorry I haven't gotten to them. No I haven't forgetten them it's just how everything is piling on at once. During this month for Christmas break I'm going to try and post a lot of chapters so keep requesting just know there will be a wait on them.

So I suck at speaking in front of people, I have very bad anxiety and tmr I have to present in front of two classes without my note cards and I'm really worried I'm going to forget. Do any of you have any tricks I could try to remember my words or to even calm down? If so it would be so helpful.


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