Imagine #15 (Jesus Adams-Foster.)

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You sat awkwardly at the Adams-Foster dinner table while you ate your food in silence, with the slight exception to when Jesus's parents would ask you questions.

Towards the end of the meal Jesus's parents parents left the house to watch a movie with Mariana who was the only other kid home at the time, and made sure to tell the kids to be good and to not do any funny business. As Jesus lead you up the staircase you couldn't help the guilty feeling in your stomach as you looked at the pictures on the wall. In the living room there were several pictures of Jesus and his family. You seen several pictures of Brandon and Julian with beautiful dark wooden frames and you sighed. "You two really have close for a long time, huh?" You ask keeping your eyes on one picture in particular. It seemed to be one of their birthdays and there were several friends around them, friends that Y/n had just recently began to get close with, but the most beautiful thing was how Jesus and Brandon were side by side their hands were interlocked and held up in the sky with their other ones holding up different signs, Jesus had his tongue out and his face scrunched up while Brandon had his upper lip pulled up with a mean look on his face. You almost felt guilty for letting your eyes linger on Brandin for too long.

You and Brandon had been on and off for about a year and right now the two of you were on a break. And even though everyone else would say that meant you were free to date or see anyone you wanted, the two of you never did, it was like you were still bonded. And that's what it felt like right now, but yet you seemed to have the same feeling for Jesus so when he invited you over you couldn't help but say yes.

"Let's not talk about him right now." He says, his voice seemingly gentle but your brain wouldn't let you believe that someone else's voice could be as gentle as Brandon's. You followed Jesus into his room and let him shut the door. You looked around the room which was decorated with several things from small knickknacks to skateboard posters. And then your eyes caught the framed pictures and unframed pictures what were hung on the wall or on the shelf. There were several of him and Mariana and some others with his friends and then your eyes caught sight of a picture that was slightly hidden behind another and you moved over to look at it. Jesus watched you and he knew which picture you were going after so he just stepped forward to watch you. You grabbed the picture and pulled it out from behind the framed one of him and his family on a Christmas morning, it was of you and him. The two of you were nine in the picture and you were standing in front of Millennium, your old dance studio. You had on an oversized black shirt with the words "ask me about my day." Printed on the front matched with large and baggy gray sweatpants and a pair of pink high tops. Jesus had on a plain blue shirt matched with khaki shorts and a pair of Nike shoes. In the picture his arm was around you and you stood on your toes to kiss his cheek. "You can't tell me that you don't feel something when you're with me.." Jesus choose his words carefully as he let his hand slowly touch the hand that was at your waist. You jumped slightly at the warm touch and put the picture down on the shelf. "I never said I didn't." You said feeling your chest tighten. Walk away Y/n, you'll be back with Brandon before you know it and this will just hurt him. He moved forward to grasp your hands in his and his hands were just a little too soft, a little too gentle, and it made you want to lay in his arms. "Then be with me. Brandon doesn't make you happy and you know it." Jesus spoke what he knew to be the truth and let his hand slip up to your neck to cup it and you felt an immediate heat, almost fire, on your neck yet you couldn't bring yourself to pull away. "You can't tell me you don't want to be with me. I can see it in your eyes." He was leaning in. You had to do something. "Jesus-"

"If you didn't feel the same way you would of pulled away." He says but you can't hear him. His lips are too close to yours, his skin too close to yours, and he's all too close until he's touching you, until his lips are against yours. You weren't sure what to do but for some reason pulling away didn't seem right. When he noticed you weren't going to pull away he became more confident with his movements and pressed his lips more into yours.

Your hands went to his wrists holding him as if you had no idea where your hands should go, but he didn't move your hands, in fact he was just happy you weren't standing still. He began to walk backwards and you followed his movements slightly unsure of your steps, when the back of your knees hit the bed your body immediately met his mattress and then his body was hovering over yours.

He pulled away and met your eyes with his chest heaving unevenly. Within a few seconds of the two of you catching your breath his lips were back on yours, your hands went to the back of his head to tug on his hair and your leg rubbed against his and he took this as a sign to continue. He disconnected your lips and lifted his shirt over his head and then it met his floor somewhere that you weren't interested in finding right now. Instead of going back to your lips he brought his lips to your neck and let them travel up and down, small open mouth kisses trailed down your neck and you couldn't help the small moans that left your mouth without embarrassment. His hands met with the skin on the lower part of your hip, right below your shirt, and since there was no disagreement on your part he moved his hands upward letting the shirt come with it. Your head tilted back and you couldn't help but think about how good this felt. But then one person came to your mind and suddenly it didn't feel good anymore and you pushed away from Jesus letting the word slip from your mouth. "Brandon!" You stood up and backed away from him, your chest rising unevenly, your shirt half risen off your torso, and a small purple mark on your neck matched with your swollen lips. Your facial expression and the look in your eyes gave away the guilt you felt but then it multiplied when you met Jesus's eyes. The look on his face seemed as if you had just betrayed him in the worst way possible, he was topless and his chest was still rising quickly and he looked at you as if you had just ripped his heart out and then stomped on it. "So that's it huh?" You winced at the breaking sound in his voice. "This is you choosing him."

"I'm not choosing anyone." But you are, you did. "Yes you are. I am a lot of things but I am not a fool. I don't get toyed with. Y/n! Look at me." You flinched at the sound in his voice and looked up from the ground. "He isn't even half the man I am."

"You don't know that!" He once again looked hurt, as if you defending him was the worst thing you could do. "I do know that. I know that because I have morals, I know who I am, I know who he is, and I know why he's with you. And it's not because he loves you." It was your turn to look at him with betrayal and teary eyes. "Jesus. Enough, I get you're upset that I-" you were cut off by a voice that began to talk as they open the door to his bedroom but then it stopped. Brandon stood in the doorway looking at a shirtless Julian then his eyes made their way to Y/n, Y/n with a hickey, Y/n with her shirt half risen up her torso, Y/n with guilt written all over her face. And now, it was Brandon who held the look of betrayal as he shook his head and slowly walked away from the room with tear filling eyes.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested: Not requested!

Hey guys once again thank you for all the love on this book it means a lot to me! Also sorry for the lack of updating the school year gets really hectic for me, thankfully my classes are kinda easy for the most part so I will be able to update a little more. There will be a part 2! It's already written actually I'm just editing it. Please request!


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