Imagine #16/part2/ (Jesus Adams-Foster.)

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"I'll, uh, see you later." You manage a quick, unsure, stuttered statement as you run out the door on your way to Brandon. "I sure hope not love." Is the response you don't hear from Jesus while your legs make their way to Brandon who is already leaving the house. "Brandon!" You shout as you run out of the house after the boy you believed you loved. "Brandon, please wait I'm begging you." You plead your voice so so desprate for him to listen to you. Brandon turns around so quickly that you run into his chest and it takes all of his willpower to not steady you as he stares at you, when you meet his eyes the most guilt you'd ever felt in your life came crashing down on you. His eyes were filled with tears and his chest was heaving and you knew you were the cause of the sadness and anger that was building in his system. "What Y/n? What do you have to say? It's not what it looks like? Because I swear to god you're not that stupid and neither am I." The sheer anger and hostillity in his voice held you in shock and you had to calm your breathing before you could even respond.

"We're- we're not together Brandon." You say, your voice was so small and even though it was true it didn't make you feel any better about the situation at hand. "That's really what you're going to say right now? That's your big excuse? Y/n you know damn well that's not good enough." As his voice raised you jumped, he'd never yelled like this around you, let alone at you. "Brandon you've been with Callie-" You're reasoning was quickly cut off by Brandon once agian. "So this is what this is about? This is about Callie and your stupid jealousy. Well nice job." Your eyebrows furrowed at his accusation and you shook your head. "That's not why this happened. It had nothing to do with Callie, it was an accident. We got to carried away and-"
"Yeah. Damn right you did. You know what I don't fucking care Y/n go back to Jesus, see if I care." You blinked at his words, they shouldn't hurt right now but they still did. "Brandon you don't mean tha-"

"Don't tell me what the fuck I do and don't mean Y/n because I fucking mean it and I don't even want to be near you right now so if you're done with your fucking excuses I'm leaving." You stood silent but nodded, what more could you do? You weren't even sure if you were upset because you lost him or if you were upset because now you were even more conflicted about your feelings for the two boys you had just upset.

        It had been two weeks since you seen Brandon or Jesus. You stayed locked away in your house, you didn't even go to dance or out with your other friends in fear of having to face one of the two boys. Brandon stayed in his house, the only person who had came over during the past two weeks had been Callie and he wouldn't even let her in. And then there was Jesus. He carried on about his life. He nodded everytime he heard someone bring up Y/n or Brandon, he stayed silent anytime they tried to figure out what happened, and he never let the secret out. This was his thing, keeping it inside, staying calm, but now? Now it was becoming harder. It was easier before because he had no comformation that Y/n had any type of feelings for him, and he kept telling himself that the reason Y/n choose Brandon was because he could give her something that he couldn't. But now, now he had no idea, just hearing her name made his head flick up, his hands clamp, and his eyes look down. Now all three of the teens were confused.

Jesus grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and started to head upstairs to his bedroom, nobody else was home and it was nearly midnight. Both of these things added together made him jump at the sound of the doorbell and the frantic knocks at the door. He slowly walked to the door, until he heard your desprate call. "Jesus It's m-me." He had never felt his body move so fast against his will until now, and then within seconds the door was open. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jesus's eyes ranked your form, you had on worn out crumpled clothed, your hair seemed to be in knots, and the thing that alarmed him the most was the tears falling down your cheeks. "I'm sorry. I had-I had nowhere else to go." Jesus shook his head and pulled you into the warm house by your arms. "Tell me what happened Y/n. I need to know." His voice was forceful yet soft and his eyes locked with yours and just staring into them gave you some sort of weird feeling. "My mom lost the house. My dad took the car and my mom isn't home. My grandma won't answer the door and Brandon's the only person who-" Your breath caught but you took a deep breath, wiped your eyes and explained. "He's the only one who knows about this stuff happening and well. I can't stay with him." You wrapped your arms around yourself and looked down. I had no right coming here. I should of stayed out there. As if he could read your thoughts he wrapped you in a hug and you did the same back. "You can stay here. For as long as you need." You nod and quickly spit out your 'thank you.'

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