Imagine #17 (Jesus Adams-Foster)

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You and Callie groaned as you walked through the glass doors of your school. It was Valentine's Day, of course the two of you loved the holiday in its self, you thought it was cute, you just didn't understand why people had to bring it into school. You stopped at Callie's locker putting your guys bags in her locker and grabbed your books and phones. "Oh my gosh." Callie whines rolling her eyes and stomping her foot. "What?" You questioned looking back at her. "Look who's already showing off her gifts." Callie says pushing her phone in your face, it was a picture that Talia, Brandons girlfriend, had posted on Snapchat of her teddy bear and chocolates. "I'm already tired of today." You whined with her, your eyes catching Jesus's across the hallways though you look away and catch Callie doing the same with Jesus's friend AJ. You and Callie make your way towards your seats in your first block math class. "I mean it's not that I hate it I just wish I could get something ya know?" Callie asks looking over at you not even waiting for a response before continuing.

"Like, I wouldn't show it off or rub it in people's faces because that's rude and a gift should be special. I just wish I could get something." Callie says slightly pouting in her seat. The two of them had the same conversation every Valentines Day. "I know." You sighed pushing your phone into your back pocket.

"Okay class so today-" The teachers voice is cut off by the intercom. "Good morning students I hope you are all having a wonderful Valentines Day. Today during fourth block your secret valentines will be pasted out. Until then have a nice rest of your day." The intercom went out and our class began along with several people asking if their friends thought they got anything.

Callie and Y/n met up at their table in silence. The cafeteria was always loud but now it seemed louder, some girls were talking about their dress for the dance and some were getting more presents and showing them off to anyone near. Callie slumped in her chair pushing her tray away from her. "Why don't we ever get anything?" Callie pouts, Y/n always thought it was adorable, Callie always wanted something but all she got was roses from you and chocolates from her parents.

"Ladies." Two familiar voice sound as they sit in the two chairs in front of you and Callie. "AJ." Callie says with a nod. "Jesus." You say your cheeks threatening to change color. "How is your Valentines Day going?" You chuckle and let your eyes float to Callie. "How is my Valentines Day going? Let's see, I have to watch basically every girl in existence get a gift and rub it in everyone's face besides me." Callie huffs and crosses her arms and you pat her head with a smile. "There there." You say and turn back to the boys who normally never talk to you. "How if your Valentines Day going? And may I ask why you're sitting here?" You ask trying to keep your eyes on AJ more so. You felt a small kick from Callie and flinch lightly. "We just wanted to make sure our favorite girls were having a good day." AJ says keeping his eyes on Callie. "See ya around Y/n." Jesus smiles at you his dimples poking through as he touched your shoulder lightly. "What was that?" You ask Callie. "I don't know. They seem like they're up to something." Callie says and you shrug and start to eat before the bell rings.

Your fourth and final block rolls around and you sit down in your chair. Callie comes in right after you and sits beside you. "This is so stupid. Why do we have to watch this? There should be a law against it." Callie said looking at all the beautiful and different colored roses on the teachers desk. "You're late." The teachers voice sounds through the class as Jesus and AJ jog into the class room. "Sorry Miss. D." They says making a B line for the two free seats behind the two of you. "What are you doing?" Callie questions turning around and you follow her lead your eyes meeting Jesus's in a second. "We can't see the board from back there." Jesus says his eyes not leaving yours so you have to do the hard part and turn around to look away. "Alright now that's all the roses. Mr. Myers is coming around the first floor to give out the larger gifts so you guys have a free day so you can do as you please." You and Callie smile as you turn your desks to face each other though you jump seeing AJ and Jesus doing the same and bringing their desks right beside of yours. "When I call your name please come get your gift." Mr. Myers says with a smile and starts calling names. Nearing the end of class there were two identical large bears left. Each with chocolate brown fur and brown eyes, one had pink roses in its hand and the other had rainbow roses in its hand. And both of them had a card and a diamond box of chocolates. "Who ever did that must love their girlfriend." Callie says smiling at the bear. "Agreed." You say nodding trying to figure out where you could find the bear. "Y/n and Callie." Mr. Myers says smiling as he turns to the two of you who he knew very well since you had his class for two years in a row. The two of you got up confused but gladly accepted the gift. "Does yours have a name on it?" You ask Callie and she shakes her head. "Read the card." Kaycee says and you grab the red card.

"I know you normally dread Valentines Day so I thought I'd make it a little more enjoyable for you. Meet me at the stargazing park at eight for the rest of your surprise. -Jesus." You looked over at Jesus with a shocked smile and he smiled. "And wear a long sleeve shirt." He says with a smile and locks his pinky finger with yours.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Not requested
I know this isn't the best I just feel like you guys deserve an update, yes I realize I have never really started consistant with this book but I am very very sorry for that. Now that it's summer I plan on updating a little more so please drop some requests and I will do what I can to get them out to you guys in a timely manner.

99K reads? Guys thats beyond amazing and what i could ever expect thank you so so much!


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