Imagine #13 (Jesus Adams-Foster)

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Y/N was different in the eyes of most others. She didn't have normal colored hair, in fact unless you were very close to her you didn't even get to know her actual hair color as she seemed to always have it a different color and you never even seen her roots, she kept to herself most of the time only opening up to a few select people, she always wore clothing that covered all of her body other than her arms, whenever she got something amazing she would advise them to give it to someone else only taking it if they said it would be better for her. The way people seen it, Y/N was what they called a dying breed.

Y/N sat in a open chair at one of the small tables that were sat on the porch of her favorite icecream shop, The Backporch. The Backporch was a small family owned shop that had the tables seated on the porch and no-one came into the shop unless you worked there, the porch was old with cracking blue paint yet it was what Y/N would call the heart and soul of her town. Very few people knew about the icecream shop seeing as it was placed behind the same familes dinner, which was as well oldfashioned even met with the matching booths that created a square setting around the resturant, Y/N sat with a large salted homemade pretzel and a cup with softserved vanilla icecream with rainbow sprinkles which she would spoon into her mouth as she typed away on her computer. She was suprised to hear footsteps lead up onto the porch but she didn't look up figuring it was just someone else that actually knew of the small place until she was forced to look up because the bodies sat down at the table. She looked up from her laptop and smiled lightly as she shut it as she was met by Mariana, Jesus, and Taylor, Marianas best friend. "Hey guys." Y/N said with a light smile still on her lips as she moves her laptop into her backpack and slides the pretzel over to Mariana and Taylor to share as she knew the two girls loved the pretzels. "So what's up?" Jesus asks with a bright smile as he steals a small peice off the pretzel that Mariana and Taylor were devouring with smiles and hums of joy.

After about an hour of the four talking, laughing, and Y/N sharing her food with the whole table matched with only a few complains and groans, the teens were walking together laughing just the same and dancing on the roadside as it was slightly dark and there were no cars coming. Soon the teens were met at the area where they stopped knowing this was where they split off, Taylor and Mariana would go left to Taylors house, while Y/N and Jesus would keep heading straight and Jesus would walk Y/N to her house and then turn and walk half a block, being five minutes, to walk back to his own house. The young adults parted way after a few shared hugs, 'goodbye's', and handshakes. Y/N and Jesus walked in silence as they neared Y/Ns house.

Y/N was perfectly comfortable in the silence but it was soon clear to her that Jesus wasn't as comfortable with it when he groaned and ran his hand over his face as if wiping it to rid it of sweat. "What is it?" Y/N asks raising an eyebrow with a small slight smile tugging at her lips and she took note of how adorable she thought Jesus was when fusterated. "Y/N, I can't take it anymore." He says looking at the shorter girl with a determined look on his face and her smile was wiped away and replaced with a look of confusion though she stayed silent allowing him to keep his words flowing figuring it would be hard to stop him once he started.

"Y/N, I like you, hell, I might even love you." Jesus started and her hands slipped from grasping the straps of her backpack that were on her shoulders to simply staying to her sides and she felt as if her whole body went stiff. "Y/N nobody knows me the way you do. You're the only one I have ever felt something for in this sort of way that wasn't being forced and as nervous as I am for the feeling I want to explore it with you." He said looking into the girls eyes waiting for her to say something though she was trying to find something to say. Her mind was spinning, that was for sure, she liked Jesus just the same, he had to know that though it seemed to be a mystery to herself, as if this were uncharted territory for herself, and it was. She gulped before looking up at him decided what she was going to say but then becoming afraid changed her mind as her lips open and the unwanted words came from her mouth. "Jesus, J, I don't feel that way for you." She said and as she said it she felt her heart drop, she did like him, why did her mouth refuse to let her say it? But she realized that Jesus was refusing to give up even though it was apperant that the words had hurt him. "No, Y/N, I know you like me. I see the way you look at me. I see the way you stutter and blush when I show you any sign of special affection to you. When I try to touch you in any kind of way, how you cheer me on the loudest. This is just fucking like you Y/N." Jesus said his voice full of confidence though his tone changed with his last sentence as he tugged at his hair.

She didn't reply to any of his words, they were all true, except she became defensive to his last words and her hands found their way to her hips as she tilted her body one way and her head the other. "What is just like me?" She asks venom in her tone.

"This!" He shouts his hands flailing out gesturing to her. "You're too scared to admit that you like me!" He shouts his hands now began to do gestures as he spoke and this didn't faze Y/N as he always did it when he began to get upset with someone or something. "I am not scared." Y/N said her tone hard, she never like when someone made her seem unsure of herself or anything close to it, and the way she seen it, being scared was the definition of being unsure of herself. "Whatever. You keep telling yourself that." He said turning around to leave and it felt as if Y/Ns mouth would finally say what her heart wanted her to say in the first place. "I'm not scared." She said yet again except you could tell in her voice she wasn't finished with her sentence but Jesus kept walking until he heard her next words though they were in such a small fragile tone that he almost missed it but he was gald he didn't.

"I'm terrified."

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested by: Nobody

Hey! Sorry if you didn't like this plot the story line just kinda came to my head and I thought it'd be something fun to write, if you guys want a part two please let me know because I actually really want too. Only 21 more days till Christmas for those of you who celebrate it! I'm honestly so excited for this month, how abt you guys? I love gift getting and the surprise of unwrapping gifts, but school is really piling on this month since next semester we change all of our courses. I'm off school right now due to a bomb threat but I don't know how long it will last. Anyways thank you guys for so much love on this book it's incredible due to how awful my updates were towards the beginnning and they're still not perfect.


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