Imagine #18 (Callie Jacobs.)

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Warnings: Drugs are mentioned lightly, death in mentioned lightly, and cursing.

"L/N!" One of the guards shout. "You're out." You nod keeping a straight face although you really wanted to jump up and down, to keep yourself from getting into really bad situations you had to dig out your attitude and hold it, of course you could handle yourself but to hold yourself like that every second of each day? That was hard. As soon as they hand you the bag with your clothes and let you change you were out smiling as you finally got the chance to walk outside of that building without being met by a chain link fence. As soon as you get to charge your phone at a near by resturant you click on one of your contacts and hope they answer, and she does. "Holy shit, L/n you're out?" Daphne asks with a smile, she was the only person you were close with who actually knew you got locked up. "Yeah, I guess they finally figured out it wasn't my deal." You say with a smile. "Listen, I know it's a lot to ask, and if you can't-" Daphne scoffed and quickly cut you off. "Girl, of course you can stay with me. I'm in the same spot just start on your way now, door's always open." You smiled and thanked her as you shut off your phone and looked up as you unplugged the phone. But when you look up your eyes meet someone else's, and knew exactly who it was. "Shit." You curse and quickly run out of your seat and building as you shove the phone back in your pocket. "Get the fuck back here!" The male voice shouts as he and two other men chance after you. You keep running throwing anything over as you run hopping to block their path. You quickly turn into an alley but it was a dead in so you just keep running knowing you would have enough time to turn around and you start to clim the fence, as soon as you get your left leg over the top of the fence your body is being pulled down by several hands. "No! Let go! I'm out!" You shout wriggling in their grasp. "The hell you are, you still own us the money for that deal, or the drugs back. And you got Smokey sent back." As soon as you hear the name your shrink back. That must of been how you got out, but you had no clue, but what you did know was he would be out of there within a weeks time and he would kill you, or worse. "Listen, I had no clue about that, I didn't even know he was back in the joint. Why would I even do that? Everyone knows he's just going to get back out. Why would I do that to get out when he would actually kill me for even putting him in there." You say trying to show them that you knew what the hell was going to happen. "Wow, you're smart, but still dumb, Smokey's already out, and we known exactly who he wants." And you search for any possible way out but that doesn't work. "Please, just give me a day, I can get the money and I promise that I didn't send him in." You say and they roll their eyes. "One day, Y/n. You get the money and figure out who the hell sent him in with proof and then you're free to go." As soon as you can't hear their foot steps anymore you're in tears.

You hadn't even thought about these guys since your first month in juvie, and you couldn't handle this. After they killed your sister? That was the whole reason you were even in this, your sister stole from them while doing a deal and once they offed her they decided that her little sister would be the best person to pay off her debt, and you didn't have much of a choice once they started showing you much of your family they had already located. Within a few moments you wipe your eyes and breath in deeply. You couldn't call Daphne for this as far as you knew she was on probabtion and even if not that girl was the kind that would kill them without question and you didn't want to send Daphne back. After thinking for a bit you remember a girl from your last group home. Callie. You hadn't spoken in awhile but Callie was the type of girl to help out anyone and she knew Callie would be safe in this, Callie wasn't the type to go and kill someone and they would never suspect Callie to even knwo you let alone have anything to do with this. After searching for her number you click on it and movie your phone to your ear. You sigh with a smile when she answers it and you introduce yourself and your problem. "Oh my god, Y/n I'm so sorry nobody even told me." You shake your head even though you can't see it. "Hey don't worry about it, I didn't expect you to even really care, but I just, I really need help because if I don't figire out who did this I'm going to be killed, Callie, and I really don't want to die." You say seriously as you run your hand through your hair. "O-Okay, listen I'm going to make a plan. You need to work on finding that money or pawn anything you have to earn the money, I'm going to talk to Steff and hopefully figure out who did this, and you come here before too late and we might be able to find some stuff around here to help get the money and then we can see what Steff found." Callie explains and you nod smiling. "Thank you so much Callie." You say and you hear a small sigh. "Don't thank me yet."

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested by: a_lone_soul

Thank you for the request! I hope you like it, part 2 will be up soon! If anyone else has requests please don't be scared to comment, post on my message board, or DM me, I really don't mind and I seriously love writing for this story since it has come such a long way and it was the first story I have ever posted but I haven't really watched it in forever so I don't have a lot of ideas for it unless you guys give me just a little out line.


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